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Abba Deutsch - Veer Zukt

Ver Zukt – Abba Deutsch (feat. The Side Yard Studio)

From The Side Yard Studio comes “Ver Zukt” – a new acoustic dance hit featuring popular wedding singer Abba Deutsch. The song is based on a 2020 Yated Ne’eman article by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger. Rabbi Hisiger wrote a story about R’ Simcha Schepps ZT”L, who once told an elderly man who could no longer dance; “Who said one needs feet to dance? One can, and certainly must, dance with his heart.”

Composed and produced at: The Side Yard Studio
Drums: Avi avidani
Guitars and bass: Ziv Shalev
Keys: The Side Yard Studio and Shmuel Balter
Sax: Hugo Lee
Huge Thanks To Shmuel Yom Tov Green of Hakol Productions