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עטיפה מחרוזת משה רבינו

‘Moshe Rabbeinu’ – Suchy Goldstein, Pini Pollak, Negina Choir, Beri Hershman & His Orchestra

Beri Hershman presents:
In honor of the Hilula of Moshe Rabbeinu, which falls on the 7th of Adar, Beri Hershman presents a unique medley.
The medley weaves nostalgic musical compositions dedicated to the hilula. Together, they tell the story of Moshe Rabbeinu , his devotion to the people of Israel, and his miraculous leadership – from the Exodus from Egypt, through receiving the Torah, to entering the Land of Israel.
Beri Hershman, a keyboardist who rises in the wedding and event scene, joins Suchy Goldstein, Pini Pollak, and the Negina Choir, and together with his extended orchestra they perform an innovative medley with a Chassidic flavor on one stage.
Watch. Enjoy. Connect.

Singing: Suchy Goldstein and Pini Pollak
Choirs: Negina
Mixing: Yonatan Blau
Recording studios: Yonatan Blau, Mordechai Tzi
Production: Beri Hershman
Arrangement and musical production: Beri Hershman – Naftali Landsman
Sound arrangement: Chezky Yankovitz
Photography: Nachman Alber
Graphics: Zeira
Guitar: Nachman Elvitz, Moishe Pinchover
Keyboard: Beri Hershman
Wind Instruments: Dor Asraf
Flute: Avrami Gelbstein
Saxophone: Yodla Markowitz
Amplification and Lighting: Avrami Moskowitz
Set Design: Dudi Miller
Stage Design: Honi Rabinowitz
Direction, Editing and Color: Hershy Segal
List of Songs and Original Performance:
And Moses Spoke – Avraham Fried
And He Became a Man on the Road – Lipa Shmeltzer
And Moses Said – Avraham Fried
And They Gathered – Yossi Green
Then He Directed – Yoeli Greenfeld
And Moses Rejoices – Moshe Starech, Sharoli Green
And Moses Received the Torah – Yomi Loui
And Moses Rejoices – Lipa Shmeltzer