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Yisbarach Shimcha – Dudi Feldman, Chaim Pollak

Singer Chaim Pollak and keyboardist Dudi Feldman, performed at the unforgettable song “Yisbarach Shimcha” to the familiar tune of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach at the wedding of their friend, winemaker, Chilik Katzengold,

During the dances, as the public enjoyed the wine, the audience was taken by the special atmosphere of the song, and the entire hall became a whirlwind of joy.

The song soon became the wedding anthem.

After the event passed and the excitement remained, Pollak and Feldman realized that they had to share this special melody with the general public.

Thus was born the song “Yisbarach Shimcha” – a special performance that is expected to take a strong place on dance floors and at events.

Songs: Dudi Feldman, Chaim Pollak
Composition: R. Shlomo Carlebach
Arrangement: Naftali Landsman
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Mixing and Mastering: Udi Damari
Animation: Shneur Eisenbach
Cover: Avi Berman
PR: Control

Recordings of vocals and guitars in the studio of the dear Shlomi Bookspan, who accompanied the song with good advice from the heart.

“Yisbarach Shimcha B’fi Kol Chai, Tamid LiOlam VaEd.”