Hot off the release of their latest wedding hit “Bzeh Hashaar” featuring Yanky Feder & Shimmy Klein, “Lehava” is proud to present their newest release – “Betach BaShem” featuring superstar singer, Yaakov Shwekey.
When the composer R’ Yaakov Feingold was saying Tehillim post Covid and got to the words בטח בה’ … והתענג על ה’ ויתן לך משאלות לבך, (Psalms 37), he knew this positive message needed a song. “Betach BaShem” is about Bitachon, one of our biggest avoidas. Like the Choivas Halvovos says, a person always has trust in something; either their parents, or boss, or job etc. When that is taken away from them, then they lose all hope. If someone’s trust is in someone other than Hashem, it is hopeless. However, when a person really has his trust (Boteach) in Hashem, then all will be ok. Even though you know the problem well – a Shidduch, loss of income, health R”L or something else, if you believe in Hashem and know you’re directly in His hands, you won’t be as worried. Hashem will take care of it. You’re in the best Hands. It’s between you and Hashem. Then ‘V’yitein Lecha Mishalos Libecha’ – he’ll give you what you need.
When Yaakov Shwekey heard the song, it immediately transported him back to early in his career, to the nostalgic flavor of yesteryear. He wanted to be the tool to give this message over to Klal Yisroel.
Produced by: Park Studios
Composed by: R’ Yaakov Feingold
Arranged by: Moshe Laufer
Choir arranged by: Eli Laufer
Vocals recorded by: Yitzy Waldner
Mixed by: Gideon Levine
Child soloist: Shloime Feingold
Adult choir:
Eli Laufer
Osniel Rozen
Shlomo Gold
Avremele Shapiro
Yaakov Gold