Moishy Wales – known as the energetic singer from Israel is giving out his first single,
Feat. the artist & singer Yoely Greenfeld from the United States of America,
With the perfect song and perfect wording from Halel just in time for the upcoming holy days of Sukkos composed by the one & only Yossi Fried that has for the past season released beautiful hits.
The musical arrangements has been conducted and arranged by the one and only Benny Laufer that always surprises everyone with his mastermind genius and brilliance & heart.
Singers: Moishy Wales & Yoely Greenfeld
Composer: Yossi Fried
Music Production & Arrangements: Benny Laufer
Drums: Avi Avidani
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Violins: Simphonit Jerusalem
Vocals Editing: David Taub
Choir: “Kapeleh”
Nussy Rotman, David Starik, Shimon Perel, Chesky Joseph, Yudi Neilander
Studio: Tenor Studios, Zemiros Studio, Volume USA
Technicians: Avi Korlansky, Shloimy Wechter
Mixed & Mastered: Yaniv Blass
Graphics: Shimon Rochman
Staging & Post Production: Hershy Segal
Videographer: Yosef Shelest
Videographer Assistance: Itay Askal
Videographer Lightning USA: Boruch Tyberg
US Digital Marketing: Yossi Shick & Motty Klein @MusicOnTime