Beneath the Old City of Jerusalem lay the ruins of the Jewish community from 2000 years ago. On Tisha B’Av we take the time to remember and reconnect to the pain of the destruction. The memories are engraved within the stones and our heart.
I See Fire | @Ed Sheeran
Em Eshkachech | יוחנן שפירא
Arranged & Edited by Noah Bar Shain (Kippalive member).
Mix & Mastering by Ralph Levitan
Mash-up idea by Avi Eisenstein (@rakshalom)
Videography by @Moshe Gelber
Edit & Color by Maggie Sandler
Location: The Herodian Quarter
Digital Album:
Bookings: [email protected]
Official Site:
תודה ל – חברה לשיקום ולפיתוח הרובע היהודי בעיר העתיקה בירושלים בע”מ.
The Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter in the Old
City Jerusalem Ltd