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Ari Goldwag – Zeh Keili [Official Video]

Zeh Keili is a song of the album – Yesh Li Hakol which is the Album of the Summer you have all been waiting for. With 15 diverse tracks – from the upbeat and exciting – to the serious and moving. This album will have you dancing in no time! Yesh Li Hakol – I’ve got it All – is the theme – and this album truly has it all. Besides for 10 tracks composed by Ari Goldwag, the album also surprises with 5 brand new tracks that are duets – introducing the upcoming talent of Jewish music. From the 11 year old Yeshaya Levin, who also composed the song Beyado, to Nesanel Life‘s Ahalela, Bin Goldman‘s Gam Ki Elech, and the duet with MBC star, Dovid Pearlman (and of course a duet with Ari’s son, Moshe Dov). There is something here for everyone. Also featured on the album is the special track “Alter of Novardok‘ which is a moving song of Bitachon, whose words come from a poem written by the Steipler, R’ Yisrael Yaakov Kanievsky. Available now wherever Jewish music is sold.

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Video produced by: Mati Shriki

Composition & Lyrics by Ari Goldwag

Hebrew Translation: Sari Israeli


Feeling like I’m drifting so far now

floating by the planets

and right past all the stars now

I wanna go the greatest distance

but I can only do it

with Hashem’s assistance

מודה אני

I know that He is with me

רבה אמונתך

yeah I know He believes in me


זה קלי

He believes in me

הוא תמיד איתי

Yeah, He’s always with me

זה קלי

I feel His strength in me

הוא תמיד איתי

He’ll never give up on me

לפעמים כשאין לי עוד כח

כבר לא יכול יותר

אני רוצה רק לברוח


מרים את העיניים למעלה

זה אבא, הוא תומך

אומר לי תתקדם הלאה

מודה אני לפניך

יודע שאני לא הולך בלעדיך

רבה אמונתך

אתה מאמין בי בכל מאודך



Sometimes I fall and I get up

cuz sometimes life can be so rough

and then I start to wonder how

I can get up again


but then there’s one thing that I know

when my belief in myself is low

Still Hashem believes in me

He’s always holding my hand