After four successful singles that established him as one of the well-known names in Israeli Jewish music, singer Yonatan Shachar is releasing his debut album, the culmination of over 15 years of musical creation.
Shimmy Shtauber Presents: Gefeel – A Shir V’shevach Boys Choir Kumzitz
After the success of their smash hit dance album Simcha Mitoch Simcha, and in response to the thousands of fans who’ve been clamoring non-stop for a new album in the series, the Shir V’shevach Boys Choir is back and better than ever with a stunning new kumzitz collection. Produced by[…]
Akiva Gelb – Mein Neshamah Zingt [Album Promo]
Talented Singer Akiva Gelb is just about to release his debut album on which he gets us to know a bit of his true color of art, by featuring 9 beautiful songs all composed by himself in the past year’s. Kivi well known with his sweet and smooth voice with[…]
Skulen Mit Yiddish Nachas Album Preview – A Moshy Kraus Production
Asach Yiddish Nachas! The Skulener Rebbes zt”l have enriched Klal Yisroel for the past hundred years with kedusha, mesiras nefesh and most of all, hundreds of stunning compositions. Who can successfully capture the kedusha of Skulen? Who can connect to the heilige niggunim that warmed thousands of neshamos and inspired[…]
The Album Of The Decade: Yosef Moshe Kahane Does It Again – Lechaim Tish Chabad 2
A decade after releasing the first of the series, and after five years of real investment and work, R’ Yosef Moshe Kahana is releasing his second album in the Lechaim Tish Chabad series. Zanvil Weinberger, Ahreleh Samet, Motti Vizel, Yanky Daskal, Yosef Zev Braver, Moshe Damen are some of the[…]
Tefilot Shabat Medley with Micha Gamerman [Official Animation Video]
Brazilian singer Micha Gamerman is back with a new Album – Shabat Oneg with Micha Gamerman. This is the first animated music video for this big project. A few years ago Micha released 6 animated Medleys for his Moadei Israel which became very famous with millions hits. This Album also[…]
Project Relax With Avraham Fried [Audio Sampler]
Project Relax is back! The newest album in the Project Relax series features Avraham Fried and 25 beautiful songs, including many current hits and several classics. With guest soloist Shulem Brodt, and musical arrangements by Moshe Laufer. This collection is sure to move and inspire you. Credits Produced by: Yochi[…]
The Debut Album For Moshe Louk “Yotzer Yechidati”
Singer and Paytan Moshe Louk is releasing a new Piyutim album called Yotzer Yechidati. The album has five tracks in the Andalusian style, produced with a rich and authentic arrangement, and is the first album from Louk that is coming after thousands of concerts and many different kinds of singles.[…]
Introducing Ethan Katz In His Debut EP “Tefillah Melodies”
On Lag Ba’Omer, Ethan Katz introduced himself to the Jewish people by releasing his first EP, “Tefillah Melodies“. Desiring to find more meaning in his own tefillos, Ethan began writing music that helped better connect him to different parts of davening. The violinist, Ariella Zeitlin, is featured on the track[…]
Eli Levin – Hear My Prayer [Album Sampler]
I am proud to announce he release of my debut album Hear My Prayer. The album is a compilation of several current popular kumzits songs from the most amazing artists including; Dovy Meisles, Avrum Mordche Schwartz, Beri Weber, Ishay Ribo, Amira Dadon, Shloime Gertner, Shulem Lemmer, Reb Shimshi Neiman,and TWO[…]