In February 2017 the world of Jewish music was introduced to an new and exciting duo from Johannesburg, South Africa named “Derech Achim.” The group is comprised of two brothers-in-law, Reuven Garber, and Jared Lazarus. The vision of Derech Achim is to compose music that first moves your soul before[…]
MRM Music Presents: The Nanach Collection
MRM Music presents The Nanach Collection. Featuring Artists such as Lipa Schmeltzer, Beri Weber, Dudi Knopfler, Gershon Veroba, Nissim Black, Elikam Buta, Zusha, Amram Adar, And more! Pick up this album today and you’ll find yourself dancing so much you’ll think you’re in Uman! Digital Download available @ […]
The Shlager Project – Official Preview (HD)
Levik Tubul recently released an album that he has been working on for two years already. The Shlager Project features performances by some of the biggest names in Jewish chassidic music. Dedi, Lipa, Yeedle, Motti Shteinmetz, Yishai Lapidot, Dovid Gabay, Avremi Roth, Shloime Cohen, Yoni Shlomo, Levi Falkowitz, Yosef Chaim[…]
Shulem Lemmer – Shulem [Official Album Sampler]
The long awaited debut album “Shulem” is a masterful body of work that showcases Shulem Lemmer’s diverse musical abilities in full force as he takes on a wide span of styles and genres. This release marks the first album from Shulem, whose viral YouTube performances earned him an enthusiastic fan[…]
Avraham Fried Releases New Album “The Israeli Album – Kama Tov Shenifgashnu”
All-time Jewish music superstar Avraham Fried, is releasing the last single from his new Israeli album called Kamah Tov She’Nifgashnu. The album, which was released on Wednesday, will have a formal release at the massive concert Fried is scheduled to perform at the Sultan’s Pool in Jerusalem on Sunday. Historically,[…]
Avi Perets – Kmo Aish [Album Sampler]
To say that Avi Perets is due for an album is probably the understatement of the century. The wait is finally over. Kmo Aish is here and Avi delivers like never before. The Album Is produced by Avi Newmark of Newmark Productions. Once again the level of talent brought together[…]
The Shevet Achim Family/Band Is Releeasing A New album: B’Gan Eiden Mikedem
The band Shevet Achim will be releasing their 5th album within the next few days, which is called B’Gan Eiden Mikedem. The album is exciting news for Klezmer and classic Jewish music. Like the albums before it, this will be filled with exciting instrumental wedding songs, soft and emotional. The[…]
Gershy Schwarcz Presents: Meilech Kohn – Yeder Einer [Audio Peview]
Meilech Kohn has been one of the most popular Jewish Music personalities to emerge as of late. The time has finally arrived to showcase his diverse collection of art, compiled in one of the greatest albums of the 21st century. Meilech stormed onto the music scene several years ago with[…]
Soulfarm Releases New EP Titled “Hebrewgrass”!
The NEW Soulfarm “Hebrewgrass” EP once again shows the unique and talented versatility of this band. Real Virtuoso musicians creating beautiful and fun music. This EP is the bands fearless foray into fusing Hebrew and Bluegrass. Something that has not really been done. Soulfarm continues to defy the normal standard[…]
Meet Levi Cohen – The Debut CD from Levi Cohen – Coming This Week! “Neukdah Tovah”
At last, the wait is over! Levi Cohen is releasing his debut album this Wednesday, August 2nd! The album titled “Nekudah Tovah” is set to feature a unique combo of inspiring lyrics and energetic happy tunes, from a wide array of amazing Jewish music talent. A young fresh talent was[…]