The phenom known as Zusha, is an American Hasidic folk/soul band from New York. They formed in 2013 with lead singer Shlomo Gaisin and guitarist Zachariah Goldschmiedt. The band, named after Zusha of Hanipol, combines traditional Hasidic niggunim with styles like jazz, folk, and reggae. Zusha is set to release[…]
R’ Shloime Taussig Presents: The First Chasidic EP Album “5 Kolos”
As an artist that has released three albums as well as six popular singles, R’ Shloime Taussig continues to be at the forefront of innovation in contemporary music as he launches a new EP album. EPs or as they’re known in Hebrew mini-albums, have in recent years become a trend[…]
Gertner in Jerusalem Trailer
Shloime Gertner in a exclusive symphony live concert, featuring special guests Ari Hill, Naftali Kempeh & Yonatan Razel. Two sweeping hours of emotion, joy, and unforgettable moments, with all the great hits. Accompanied by ‘Hamenagnim‘ Orchestra & ‘Neshama‘ Choir. Musical director: Moishy Roth Production: Shalom Vagshal VMP Available now on[…]
Shalom Vagshal Presents: The New Exciting Album By Naftali Kempeh “Ke’malach”
About two years after the release of his second album “Ana Eilech“, Naftali Kempeh is releasing today his third and intriguing album “Ke’malach”. In recent years, Kempeh has won a place of honor in the chassidic/Jewish music world, with his albums bringing a fresh sound, and his performances around the[…]
8th Day Storm The Jewish Music World With Their 9th Album “LUCKY”
There is nothing “lucky” about 8th Day. Since brothers Shmuel and Bentsi Marcus first appeared with their debut album titled The 8th Day back is 2005, this writing, arranging, performing and producing duo have proved time and time again, that they have load of talent. Its not just their sound,[…]
Eitan Gedalya Releases His Debut Album “Geula”
In his first studio album, titled ‘Geula‘, Eitan Gedalya has written niggunim to the holy words of Tanach, Tefillah, and Divrei Chazal. His goal is to convey the shared desire of Jews across the world; for Hashem to answer their prayers, for Mashiach, for the Geula, for the Beis HaMikdash, and for[…]
Album Preview: Aryeh Hurwitz – Mezinke
There’s no question, Chazanus speaks to the soul. Chazanus touches the heart with the deep memory of thousands of years of mesorah. Chazanus moves the neshama as the foundational language of tefilah, which captivates the audience in a totally immersive musical experience. Deeply artistic cantorial music is making a resurgence[…]
Dovid Lowy – Acoustic Reflections [Album Sampler/Behind The Scenes]
Reflect has two meanings. It implies a likeness, as a light reflects off a mirror, it is also an expression to look deeper. Both meanings were appropriate for this title. These songs have been presented before, some of them more recently and some of them years ago. The acoustic versions[…]
Mevakshei Hashem – TYH Nation [Album Preview]
TYH Nation Presents Mevakshei Hashem We’re Searching for You! New Year. New Music. New You! As we enter Chodesh Elul, a glorious month of return to Hashem and revelation of our innermost desire for goodness and holiness, TYH Nation and Mishpacha Magazine are excited to present a special album to[…]
Min Hashamayim! World-Famous Performer “Zanvil Weinberger” Releases Brand New debut album!
It has been 7 years since Zanvil Weinberger took the Jewish Music industry by storm. Zanvil, one of the most sensational Chasidish performers of today’s age started out as the lead soloist of The Malchus Choir in 2014 and he’s been performing at major events, concerts, dinners and Simchas all[…]