Singer and composer Moti Weiss in a new single “Ani Lo Yodeah“. Credits: Composer: Moti Weiss Yuval Sela Lyrics: Moti Weiss, Yuval Sela, Shahar Ariel and Yehoshua Limoni Musical arrangement: David Taub, Motti Weiss, Meir Amar “BIG M”

Singer and composer Moti Weiss in a new single “Ani Lo Yodeah“. Credits: Composer: Moti Weiss Yuval Sela Lyrics: Moti Weiss, Yuval Sela, Shahar Ariel and Yehoshua Limoni Musical arrangement: David Taub, Motti Weiss, Meir Amar “BIG M”
After a successful year when each of them is on their way to an original album, alongside songs that burned up the radio stations and became big hits, Pini Einhorn and Ari Hill join forces in an extraordinary duet about the 7 Ushpizin. Chaim Dovid Sarchik‘s mythological composition takes a[…]
Chasidic singer Shimon Levi accompanied by a music choir, in a new single composed by Yosef Leifer about Rabbi Brandsdorfer’s sukkah. Arrangement and musical production: Ovadia Yosef Hafzadi
Ari Berman, an energetic and promising singer in the name of chasidic music, releases his second single/music video “Tamid Shomer.” After his debut single “Modim” which became a hit, Ari releases his second single clip “Tamid Shomer” a single full of faith and anticipation. The single is also accompanied by[…]
In preparation for Sukkos, Chazzan Yaakov Stark is releasing a powerful new composition full of yearning and emotion, based on the well-known and intricate “Hoshana” that was composed by Chazzan Moshe Ganchoff. “Hoshana” joins the legendary series of music videos that were previously filmed in the Beis Medrash Hagadol in[…]
Zman Simchaseinu, this is a time for Simcha! Since the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed we don’t get to experience the Simchas Beis Hashoeiva anymore. Whoever one of the greatest simchas we do get to experience in our lifetime, are wedding celebrations. Now, as we prepare for the Yom Tov of[…]
Singer Nati Levin comes out with a particularly rhythmic single for the upcoming Sukkot holiday, “Ulu Ushpizin” composed by Elchanan Elchadad to the words from the Seder Ushpizin, which invites the Ushpizin to the Sukkah with a happy and bouncy melody, arranged by Amon Shmuel Cohen. Levin, appearing at events[…]
DJ Matt Dubb is back with a new hit song perfect for Zman Simchoseinu titled L’chai Olamim. This exciting new song is being introduced to the world via music video and features two of today’s biggest stars, Mordechai Shapiro and Benny Friedman. Enjoy Special thanks to Ari Gross and the[…]
French singer Yoni Shlomo is a guest in a new single by the Melody Orchestra “Hu Yakim“. The composition by the orchestra director, Pinchas Ben Naim, while the arrangement by the musical director Yishai Ibn Haim.
Aseres Yemei Teshuva, just before Yom Kippur, chasidic singer and emotional artist from the USA Menachem Moskowitz releases a new and exciting single “Kisei Rachamim” composed by the well-known “hit machine” Reb Moshe “Cheskie Weiss” (from the albums “Lev El HaNeshama”, ” Hashpues” and more). In his singing, Menachem puts[…]