About a month after the release of the song “Roeh Echod“, Chassidic singer Simche Friedman is releasing a new single today, a bouncy and exciting Chabad melody that is all joy, just like its name – “Niggun Simcha“! In the Chabad Nigunim book, Nigun appears in the “Niggunei Simcha” division[…]
Presenting the longly awaited music video for the hit song Journey At Sea off the ever popular Journeys 5 released by Abie Rotenberg a few month ago. Join Eli Schwebel , Lev Tahor and friends as they journey on a actual ship and recreate the lyrics of the song in[…]
Chanoch Ben Moshe With A New Single “Rak L’Ehov”
Singer and composed Chanoch Ben Moshe in a new single he composed himself. He co-wrote the lyrics with Moshe Shekelim. Musical production: Nadav Bitton Arrangements: Nadav Bitton & Netanel Ben Giat
Full Video – GAD ELBAZ & DJ KLMN – Good Shabbos FT. JO MESSA
GAD ELBAZ in a new fun music video. It will make you wanna SING & LAUGH ,and DANCE to the sounds of this incredible song! Watch listen and share to promote the Shabbat. Good Shabbos GAD ELBAZ & DJ KLMM FT. JO MESSA Producer & Director: Zvika Bornstein Musical Producer:[…]
Avi Podolinski In A Powerful Song: “HaYeladim Shelcha”
Singer and composer Avi Podolinski is releasing a new single, written and composed, “HaYeladim Shelcha” for a musical arrangement and production by Maor Chaim. After “Nishamot Avudot” which was a great success, Podolinski, with his strong and rough voice, also manages in his new song to shake and make every[…]
A New Single For Ronen Kesselman “Mashehu Tov Ba’avir”
The young singer and composer (18) Ronen Kesselman, in a new debut single “Mashehu Tov Ba’avir.” Dudi Bar-David is responsible for the lyrics, melody, as well as the musical arrangement and production.
Noam Ramati With A New Single “Kol Tzame”
Singer and composer Noam Ramati in a new single ahead of the release of his debut album “Kol Tzame“. The melody by Ramati himself while the arrangement by Nadav Bitton.
Lazer Deutch & Chili Genuth With A New Single: “Beht Mein Kind”
Lazer Deutch a master composer who has a knack for composing melodies and song in the moment. One such moment was when Lazer was walking on the street in Boro Park listening to a shiur about how much Hashem loves us and and how Hashem loves and waits for our[…]
Singer & Songwriter Daniel Yizhaky With A New Single “Open Our Hearts”
Daniel Yizhaky started singing and writing songs as an emotional outlet about four years ago. Although he never planned to publicize them, after hearing his song “Let Him In“, some of his Rabbeim/mentors encouraged him to share these with a larger audience. Yizhaky’s only other experience in the world of[…]
Zusha Releases New Song “Gershon Albert’s Niggun Hodaah”
We are extremely proud to present this new Huge thank you to Doni Gross Available now where all things stream. This melody we learned some years ago from our dear sweet friend R’ Gershon Albert. Its a niggun of gratitude, but the deepest kind. It’s one thing to be grateful[…]