This song was written after the Miron Tragedy. This is a song about Hashem and His People. Credits: Song Composed By: Chaim Moshe Rechnitz & Zac Grodzinski Vocals: Chaim Moshe Rechnitz Lyrics By: Chaim Moshe Rechnitz Cover Art By: Chaya Murik Choir & Musical Arrangement: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
The Solomon Brothers FEAT. Shlomo Katz (The Niggun)
The famous Solomon Brother from Israel are back with new music. This new track The Niggun, is the first track off their upcoming new album titled Geula. The Niggun features guest vocalist Shlomo Katz.
Yaakov Shwekey Releases The Piamenta Set – Yoely Dikman ft. Avi Piamenta Off The Upcoming Album Elevate
This project is dedicated in loving memory of לע״נ יוסף יצחק אייזיק בן ר׳ מנחם מנדל ע״ה Od Yishama – Yosi Piamenta Kol Hamesameach – Turkish Yaala Mashiach – Kurdish Yoseph Nigun – Achiya Asher Cohen Alloro Siman Tov – Kongas/Cerrone Asher Bara – Australian Vayiven Uziyahu – Yohanan Zarai[…]
Get Into The Lag B’omer Vibe With This Hot New Release: Lekoved Hatana By Shiye Scharf
Lekoved Hatana By Shiye Heshil Scharf. Lekoved Hatana – A song that will get you dancing and will surly enhance your Lag B’omer. Composed and sung by Shiye Scharf and his son. Shiye, who has most recently released “Tateh Leben”, a beautiful original song composed and sung by Shiye in[…]
The Unifying Light of The Rashbi: United Worlds A Huge Duet With An Exciting & Captivating Melody!
The uniting light of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai has brought together a major duet that is sure to move everyone’s hearts. Meir and Ahrele joined forces once again to bring us a duet featuring Chaim Israel and Ari Hill for a brilliant composition of master composer Bentzi Stein. They are[…]
Eli Begun Is Back With A New Hit Single “Lemaila Min Hateva”
Eli Begun is back!! The composer/singer behind the popular songs “We Must Go On” and “Shabbos Hayom” has returned with a brand new hit ״למעלה מן הטבע״! The Jewish nation is beyond nature. We are not subject to “Mother Nature”. We have our own rules. Hashem is involved with every[…]
Yoni Z With A All New Hit Album “AHAVA”
Yoni Z’s long anticipated second album ‘AHAVA’ has officially dropped and we’re pretty sure you will ‘love’ it. Yoni first released ‘Crown’ and ‘Boee’ as singles off the album stating “It was no accident that we released the more emotional melodies first so that we can enter a summer full[…]
Yossi Green With A New Song L’zecher Shragee Gestetner Z”L
הבן יקיר לי שרגי אליהו The Story Upon exiting the ניחום אבלים during the Shiva for Shragee Gestetner ז”ל, I was told by Gershy Moskowits that in addition to his family there was a very close ידיד and משפיע of Shragee ז”ל who lived very close by and who was[…]
A New Single In Honor of The Rashbi – Amar Rabbi Shimon
Singer Srulik Rosenthal, who released a single a few months ago for Shabbos, is now releasing a Lag Baomer song for R’ Shimon Bar Yochai. The lyrics are taken from Maseches Succah, mixed with Yiddish words written by Srulik himself, and was given a musical arrangement by Yanky Cohen. The[…]
Hanistarot: Barak Grossberg In A New Single & Video For Lag Baomer
Chabad singer Barak Grossberg is releasing a new single and video clip in honor of Lag Baomer, taken from the words of the Zohar, written by R’ Shimon Bar Yochai. The song is also connected to the terrible tragedy and disaster of Meron from last year. His new single is[…]