Michael Azoulay is a great and energetic wedding single. After three successful singles, one together even with Simcha Friedman, he is now releasing the famous Chabad Niggun Yeilchu Me’Chayil in honor of the upcoming birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This is also the first taste of an upcoming project of[…]
B’Emes B’Ahava – By Yossi Shick Label
Randomly. Like, סתם. Seriously. Definitely nothing to write with a story line to it. Just……Credits: Composed & Lyrics by: Motti Gantz Music Production by: Motti Gantz & Yossi Shick Label Additional Programming & Arrangement by: Shimmy Strohli Vocal Production by: Yossi Shick Label & Motti Gantz Studios Guitars by: Avi[…]
Aaron Meir In A New Rhythmic & Refreshing Single – “Baneshama” [Official Music Video]
Singer Aaron Meir from France is releasing his second amazing single, called Baneshama, written and composed by Elchanan Elchadad, and arranged and produced by Shmuel Cohen.
V’Amcha Kulam Tzaddikim – Yanky Hill, Ahmulik Frank & Dudi Feldman
V’Amcha Kulam Tzaddikim, Yanky Hill, Shmulik Frank, and Dudi Feldman performed together with these three simple but powerful words, composed by Shmulik Frank, and arranged and produced by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.
Sarel Sofer – Meheira Od Yishama [Official Music Video]
Singer Sarel Sofer is releasing a new single together with a music video, which was written and composed by Elchanan Elchadad, and produced and arranged by Shmuel Cohen.
Mihu Ha’Ish – Eli Friedman With A New Single For Adar!
‘Mihu Ha’Ish‘ Eli Friedman, as usual, brings a new flavor to chassidic music lovers, and this time in a special song for the month of Adar, a new rhythmic and refreshing Purim song in the style of country music. “מיהו האיש אשר הציל את המלך אשר סיכל את עצת בגתן[…]
Rabbi Yaakov Singer With A Simchadik Song For Adar
“כי בו ישמח לבנו , כי בשם קדשו בטחנו” “Only in Hashem can we find true happiness”. The false democratic free world we live in, has tried very hard to have us believe that happiness is obtainable through monetary objects and fantasy experiences. Dovid Hamelech had it all and taught[…]
Kobi Grinboim – Ki Taavor Bamayim [Official Music Video]
Successful chassidic singer Kobi Grinboim just release a new single and music video on the way to the release of his upcoming debut album. This time the song is in the style of sweeing ballad titled “Ki Taavor Bamayim“. Composed by Eli Klein while arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy[…]
Avi Podolinski In A New & Unusual Single/Video: “Nishamot Avudot”
Avi Podolinski, 21, is releasing a new single and music video in the Israeli rock style titled “Nishamot Avudot“. Avi‘s special and sweeping tone of voice leaves listeners with a taste of more, and a strong desire to listen to every sound that comes out of his throat. Avi wrote[…]
International musical collaboration, an exciting work that expresses the prayer of the heart Tachzik Oti – Strengthen Me, is a touching song written and composed by Itay Amran and arranged by Gad Elbaz in our US studio. A collaboration between brilliant singers and creators and long-time friends. The abundance of[…]