Watch: 300 students and staff of Chabad Yeshiva Chanoch Lenaar in Tzfas, stage a brilliant performance of the Chabad niggun Ho’aderes V’hoemuna conducted by singer Simche Friedman.
A Poshiter Yid 2022 | Kefitzas Haderech Project
A new track off the “Kefitzas Haderech” project was released yesterday on Rosh Chodesh, a remix of Lipa’s hit song A Poshiter Yid. The track was arranged by Yochanan Bleich.
Zusha – Hareini Mechavein
Ever wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of a child? Our new song “Hareini Mechavein” takes one back to that pure, imaginative place, the posture from which children so intuitively approach the world. The enchanting melody relinquishes all one’s inhibitions, allowing one to reclaim their inner child.[…]
The Song That Will Make You Smile: Emanuel Shulman – Techayeich [Official Music Video]
The new single of singer Emanuel Shulman, is not just an ordinary new single, its a life-story in and of itself. The song is called Techayeich, written by Idan Or Guy, who heard some of Emanuel’s music, and asked him to compose the song. The song was arranged and produced[…]
Mati Shriki With A Special Video “Lebasof Nagiah”
Mati Shriki, one of the top artists nowadays is surprising once again with a brand new song, called Lebasof Nagiah, which he wrote, composed, arranged, and produced himself. The song is accompanied by a music video, produced by Avraham Yitzchak Meir.
Shuvu Banim | Moshe Auslander | TYH Nation (Official Lyric Video)
Chazal tell us that every day a heavenly voice, a Bas Kol, calls out to every Jewish soul, proclaiming, “Shuvu Banim Shovevim, My wayward children return to me.” Sometimes we hear that voice stirring our soul to connect to G-d, sometimes we act on it, and sometimes the background noise[…]
A Kumzitz with Motti Feldman & Friends
Join Motti Feldman and his friends. Experience a unique blend of music and melody. Sing along as he weaves a pattern through this musical journey, reaching different genres and amazing audiences. Available on all Streaming Platforms: Songs: Hanisturois – Levi Falkowitz Hein Keil Kabir – Lipa Schmeltzer Laufer Niggun[…]
New York Boys Choir – Bring It On (THE ANTI-BULLYING SONG) Ft. Nissim Black
Watch the New York Boys Choir, one of the most refreshing and creative sounds in the Jewish music scene, under the leadership of renowned producer Yitzy Bald, collaborating with film producer, Yossi Zweig, Jewish Rapper Nissim Black, and musical producer and arranger extraordinaire, Doni Gross of DEG Productions. They decided[…]
Yossi Touitou – Ribono Shel Olam
After conquering the wedding scene and other events and functions, singer Yossi Touitou is beginning to work on his debut album and is now releasing the first single off of it, called Ribono Shel Olam. The song was written by Matan Sharon, and composed by Elad Tuval. It was arranged[…]
Benny Friedman – Stand Up For Our Morahs (With Torah Umesorah)
This is a gorgeous production dedicated in honor of our Morahs, who leave a lasting impression on mothers and daughters forever. Thank you to Torah Umesorah for giving our Morahs the power to last! Produced by: Doni Gross Composed by: Yitzy Waldner Written by: Miriam Israeli