Singer Natan Zev is releasing his latest single called Bishvilo, in dedication to his brand new nephew who has made him into an uncle for the first time. Natan wrote and composed the song himself, which was produced and arranged by Ayal Aharon.
Itzik Weingarten With a New Hit Full Of Emotion “Ata Tashir”
Itzik Weingarten is a singer and young artist, who has already put out five successful singles. Now he is releasing his sixth, called Ata Tashir. The lyrics and composition are by Elchanan Elchadad and arranged and produced by Shmuel Cohen.
Eliran Ellbaz Ft. Benny Elbaz – Hashtika Medley [Lyric Video]
Singer and Bouzouki artist Eliran Elbaz is breaking his 4-year long musical silence with a new medley called “Hashtika”. He performs this medley in a beautifully contrasted duet together with Benny Elbaz.
Yossi Green Wit A New Single “Leiv Ovois Uvonim”
By stating first that the accepting hearts of parents will welcome their children unconditionally, Eliyahu Hanovi seems to be laying out the sequence which will then be followed by children everywhere turning their hearts back toward their parents. The people of Kesher Nafshi have been working toward this goal for[…]
Poseach Es Yadecha | Luzy & Meyer Klatzko | Tomche Shabbos of Rockland | Ashar
Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County assists community members who are struggling financially, by providing food packages, humanitarian grants and job training, as well as other support through various programs designed to offer emergency intervention and the hope for a better tomorrow. To learn more, go to Composed by Rabbi[…]
Yonatan Razel With A New Single “Lev El Ha’Neshama”
Yonatan Razel is releasing a brand new song called Lev El Ha’Neshama, co-written by Yonatan and Shuli Rand, and composed by Yonatan himself.
Pinchas Cohen In His Debut Single “Chatan VeKallah”
Pinchas Cohen, singer, writer, and composer, is releasing his debut single called Chatan VeKallah, the first taste of his upcoming debut album. Pinchas composed the song, which was arranged and produced by Ayal and Yair Shriki.
Shevet Achim – The Freilach Band Featuring Itzik Dadya, Simcha Leiner, Shulem Lemmer & Shmueli Ungar
‘We are all so different, yet we are all one. We are from different tribes, but we have one father. We come from many different places, but we all have one home.’ What better way for us to express this message then with a cover of this popular Israeli hit[…]
Yoely Weiss – Neshimo
Please enjoy this new beautiful song “NESHIMO” Brought to you by SHIA DEMBITZER. Produced and arranged by: LIPA BRACH PRODUCTION Composed and sung by: YOELY WEISS Music And Piano: Lipa Brach Guitars: Motti Feldman Percussion: John Umaan Choirs: Yossi Glick Shevach Studios Background Vocals: Lipa Brach Vocal production and mix:[…]
The New Single & Music Video From Chanoch Ben Moshe “Larutz”
Singer and artist Chanoch Ben Moshe is releasing a new single called Larutz which he wrote and composed, arranged and produced by Nadav Bitton. It is accompanied by a beautiful music video filmed all over central Israel.