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TYH_Baalei Teshuva Cover Art_Final


Chazal tells us that our judgement is signed on Rosh HaShana and sealed on Yom Kippur. The Zohar HaKadosh teaches that we can still do teshuvah until Hoshana Rabbah. But the Baal Shem Tov revealed that even if we slept through Elul and the Tishrei chagim, it’s still not over.[…]

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Pumpidisa - Ein Od Milvado

Pumpidisa – Ein Od Milvado [Official Music Video]

Every year, the top tier financial planners of the MassMutual Brooklyn, NY division are treated to a high end getaway at an exclusive destination. This video was recently shot when the agents visited the beautiful Mazagan Beach Resort in El Jadida, Morocco. One of the highlights of this five star[…]

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