In honor of the annual Tenathon event for the Ten Yad organization taking place this week in NY, enjoyt this video from last years show of Avraham Fried and Yishai Lapidot performing the hit song Aleh Katan together.

In honor of the annual Tenathon event for the Ten Yad organization taking place this week in NY, enjoyt this video from last years show of Avraham Fried and Yishai Lapidot performing the hit song Aleh Katan together.
Composer and arranger Sruli Broncher opens the fall with a tickling and colorful pop bomb. The fresh single ‘Boh Ne’e’Hav‘ talks about free love, acceptance of the other, and how important it is precisely in a time when the whole world is in chaos, that we will all unite from[…]
Singer Nir Kepten is opening up the winter season with a new single called Zikaron Yaldut. The lyrics were written by Emili Gazit, composed by Kepten himself, and arranged and produced by Reuven Chiyun.
Shabbos was the 8th Yahrtzeit of R’ Ovadia Yosef ZTL, and singer Amir Eliyahu is releasing a new song called Eilecha Maran. The lyrics were written by Kfir Fartush and the song was arranged by Ovadia Cheftzedi.
After Avi Hass released his debut album called La’Alot Ba’Har, he is releasing a new single of Lecha Dodi, composed by Shlomo Carlebach from the Yachdav Yeranenu project, produced by Eran Klein.
A year ago, singer Nehorai Arieli released the song Modeh Ani as a single which was widely played by radio stations and media channels. Now Arieli joins Avi Podolinsky and together they perform the song “Modeh Ani” in an acoustic performance accompanied by a beautiful video.
Sometimes we doubt ourselves, think we are incapable, and feel defined by our pasts. But if you woke up today, and your heart is still beating, Hashem is telling you that you have infinite potential to reach greatness. So believe in yourself, since your Creator believes in you. How do[…]
Dovid Haziza is back! With his fourth release, Dovid is set to get all heads turning and ears listening-again. After his previous hit single, Zchuto, Haziza highlights his talents, bringing them to a middle eastern vibe in “Matanot”. Showcasing the peace and unity between all people, Dovid Haziza utilizes this[…]
We live in uncertain times – the Jewish people, the people of Israel – throughout the world – face challenges that are only surmountable if we turn in prayer to the Guardian of Israel – our G-d – who is the One with the power to truly protect us from[…]
Presenting, singer Yissachar Dror in a new and energetic single “Shemashiach Yavo“. Yissachar Dror was blessed with a wonderful voice, which touches on the high notes that others find difficult to reach, combined with a special sweetness and cordiality. During the first months of the corona virus, his father, who[…]