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Yaakov Shwekey - Fighter

Yaakov Shwekey With A New Single “FIGHTER”

Yaakov Shwekey did not rest for a moment, and now released a new song titled FIGHTER (Warrior) dedicated to the Special Children’s Center in New Jersey. In recent years Shwekey has dedicated a number of songs dedicated to the Center that have gone on to become hits: I Can Be,[…]

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Shmuel Bookspan – Abba Sheli

Half a year since the tragic passing of R’ Baruch Bookspan ZT”L, his 15 year old son Shmuel is releasing a heart-wrenching song expressing the feelings of longing and pain of having lost his father. The song was composed by Bentzi Stein, arranged by Menachem Wolpin, and mixed by Sruli[…]

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עטיפת הסינגל(2)

Barak Cohen’s New Single “Tefilati”

He began his musical career at age 14 in a children’s choir and then released six albums. Barak Cohen recently returned to music in a unique and multifaceted style, when he released the song “Lev Echad Gadol” a few months ago. Now the singer Barak Cohen is releasing a new[…]

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