Yissachar Dror with a vocal medley – My Soul 2 featuring Ari Goldwag Music Credits Produced by: Yitzy Waldner Accapella Arranged by Ari Goldwag Mixed & Mastered by Ari Goldwag Backing Vocals Ari Goldwag Vocals Recorded @ STUDIO6 Lakewood N.J

Yissachar Dror with a vocal medley – My Soul 2 featuring Ari Goldwag Music Credits Produced by: Yitzy Waldner Accapella Arranged by Ari Goldwag Mixed & Mastered by Ari Goldwag Backing Vocals Ari Goldwag Vocals Recorded @ STUDIO6 Lakewood N.J
In the midst of the three weeks, musician and arranger Yoeli Dikman presents a special vocal version of the single “Chibur Chazak” which came out a few months ago, and quickly became a cross-sector radio hit. The lyrics were written by Yitzchak Hertz and the melody and vocal production are[…]
As children, one of the first choirs that the Shapiro brothers (Acheinu) began their singing “careers” in was the Amudai Shaish Boys choir, led by Shmuel Borger A”H. With R’ Shmuel’s recent petira and his shloshim just before the 3 weeks, the Shapiro Brothers felt it would be a fitting[…]
On the occasion of the three weeks (Bein Hametzorim), Kobi Brummer releases a vocal version of the song ‘Osek Batora‘, which was recently released as a single from his upcoming debut album. The special song was written and composed by the musician Gil Israelov based on the story of the[…]
About a month after releasing the single ‘Nachem‘ following the disaster in Meron, Yonathan Shainfeld releases a vocal version of the song for the three weeks. The lyrics of the song deal with the affairs of the period and touch our day more than ever, “נחם ה’ אלוקינו את אבלי[…]
They both competed in the reality show “Hakol Haba,” and one of them even qualified for the finals. Now they are releasing a vocal version of “Shir HaYonah” originally performed by Yaakov Shwekey and written and composed by Itai Zilberstein.
It’s been a difficult year for Klal Yisrael. The multitude of tzaros we faced together, one after another, all over the world, was scary, painful, and at times overwhelming. I found tremendous comfort in these words and wanted to share them with you. The tears we have shed through these[…]
The wonder children, Uri Ziv, David Nachmias, and Amitai Ben-Hamo, are once again hosted in the piyutim project by the Torah Box organization, and this time with the piyut of Rabbi Yehuda Halevi – “Al Ahavatecha Eshte Ge’viei.” Arranged by: Yoel Dayan
“UL’SHALOM” (For the Chizuk Project) The Yeshiva Boys Choir Song Composed & Produced By Eli Gerstner (EG Productions) Executive Producer: Jeremy B. Strauss (Strauss Music LLC) Music Arranged & Programmed By Shai Barak Choir Conducted By Yossi Newman Vocals Recorded @ EG Studios By Eli Gerstner Music Mixed & Mastered[…]
No matter how bleak life may seem and no matter how difficult the journey… you are not alone! Aaron Ellen (Riverdale) and Elisha Yaniv (Suffern) are two recent Ohavei Torah graduates. Aaron and Elisha met each other along their individual journeys, became great friends and just want to share the love. Written and Composed by: Aaron Ellen and[…]