Yehudi B’chol Kochi was written in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of our eldest son Shlomo. When my wife requested me to compose a song in honor of the occasion- I knew it had to be something special. It was a gift from heaven as these words came to mind[…]
Nemouel & Chaim Israel – Ziv HaKodesh [Official Lyric Video]
After the Shiva for the Kedoshim of Meron is now over the words of this new song by Nemouel and Chaim Israel take on meaning, words written decades ago by the Chazon Ish ZT”L. The song was composed by Dovid Berber, arranged and produced by David Ichilowitz. The song was[…]
Leiby Moskowitz With A New Single “Ven Einer Veint” In Light Of The Tragedy In Miron
An unedited raw demo of a latest composition, that I felt I need to release, because tragically too many can relate. My heart goes out to everyone in Meron. The family members of those who won’t be coming home tonight. To those whose family members will take time to recover.[…]
Sarel Sofer – Chasidic Medley
Wedding singer Sarel Sofer is releasing his second Chasidic medley, featuring a few well-known hits in the Jewish wedding world, arranged and produced by Israel Sosna.
Sruli Broncher feat. Meir Green – Ad Matai
Hundreds of thousands of words have already been written and said about the terrible tragedy in Meron, and its still impossible to express the pain and the loss. Sruli Boncher has poured a bit of his feelings into a new single which he invited singer Meir Green to join him[…]
After we truly accept that we determine how we see the world, we can then tap into the reality that all that occurs is simply the will of The Creator. “You can be free in a prison cell, and you can also be trapped in your own home.” The gift[…]
Banu Shuv – Aviad Deref With A New Single In Honor Of Yom Yerusholayim
After his successful debut single Lichvodecha, and several other successful singles thereafter, singer Aviad Deref is releasing a new song about Yerushalayim, composed by Yonatan Shachar, and produced by Maor Shoshan.
Aryeh Spilman In A Single In Honor For His Daughters Wedding: “Yesimcha”
Aryeh Spilman, who is a father and a businessman, is also a singer at heart. When he wishes to express his gratitude and thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu he likes to use the medium of song. In honor of the wedding of his dear children Moshe and Sarah, he released[…]
AL ELEH – Pinny Schachter and Luzy Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko
Hashem’s ways are a mystery. No explanation can heal our broken hearts. The holiday of Lag B’Omer will now also be remembered for the unspeakable tragedy that befell our holy people in Meron. So many lives lost, so many young people with great potential, so many fathers with children. The[…]
After the Disaster: Yonatan Shainfeld With A New Song “Nachem Hashem”
In the shadow of the heavy tragedy that befell Klal Yisrael in the untimely passing of 45 righteous and pure souls, singer and composer Yonatan Shainfeld is releasing a new single called ‘Nachem‘ which he wrote and composed himself. The song whose words speak for themselves, expresses the immense pain[…]