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[AUDIO] It's a Rebbe's Life - Benny Friedman - Chasdei Lev

It’s a Rebbe’s Life – Benny Friedman – Chasdei Lev

Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rabbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial Menuchas Hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musical talent to release an uplifting new song. Enjoy this video, and make sure to go to: for more information.[…]

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NACHAS – Nodeh Lecha (Official Audio)

Its Lag Baomer, which mean MUSIC. NACHAS is back with a new Summer hit that sings about giving thanks to Hashem. The new song titled “Nodeh Lecha” was written by Nachas himself with music produced by newcomer Yoel Weiss and veteran producer Gershy Schwarcz. With the beautiful weather heading our[…]

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שמעון וקנין מארח את מנדי ג'רופי אבישי אשל משה דוויק ארז יחיאל שמעון סיבוני דוד שירו ואלירן אלבז בר יוחאי הוא מלך - תמונת יח''צ

Shimon Vaknin Hosts Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dawik, Erez Yehiel, Shimon Sibony, Dadid Shiro & Eliran Elbaz – Bar Yochai Hu Melech [Official Music Video]

Here is an incredible cooperative effort to release a truly special song in honor of Rashbi and Lag Baomer, featuring Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dwick, Erez Yechiel, Shimon Siboni, David Shiro, and Eliran Elbaz. The song is called Bar Yochai Hu Melech. The song the initiative of and written[…]

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