Singer and paytan Moshe Dweck in a new single/video written and composed for him by the Udi Damari – “Tamid Iti“. Damari is also responsible for the production and musical arrangement of the song.

Singer and paytan Moshe Dweck in a new single/video written and composed for him by the Udi Damari – “Tamid Iti“. Damari is also responsible for the production and musical arrangement of the song.
The Shloshim of the Meron disaster. How much has been said and how much has been written about the terrible disaster and the greatness of those who perished? Song 45 is a prayer in memory of forty-five holy and precious souls. Our father in shomayim will remember their souls forever[…]
To date, DJ Yossi Newman has released THREE hit singles and he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down any time soon. His newest Summer hit is titled K’Echud and it features vocalist Aryeh Barnett. This EDM song is about how Hashem loves us all unconditionally. The lyrics read as[…]
TYH x NCSY is a collab made in heaven. We share a joint mission of spreading positivity and light to the world. Every one of us has emunah in Hashem. But first thing in the morning we say: “Modeh Ani…rabba emunasecha – You Hashem, have endless emunah in me”. Why[…]
Amiran Dvir is releasing a new single called Shalom Korim Li Olam, written and composed by Shmuel Yona.
Oriel Maor is releasing a new single called Shinuyim. He has a long history in the Jewish music world, having released his debut album about 15 years ago, but then he took a very long break to settle in the quiet northern Israel home he built for himself. Oriel wrote[…]
The singer from Tzefat, who has already come a long way in music, is laying another milestone in his musical path. Adir Malka, who specializes in mizrachi music and even in the singing of the gramman, has preformed on quite a few stages that have given him a rich resume[…]
Vayehi Binsoa Ha’Aron… These special Pesukim form a self-contained Sefer in the middle of Chumash Bamidbar. They describe the ideal level of Klal Yisrael being led by Hashem under His direct Hashgacha. The whole world will perceive His Shechina among us and our enemies will shrink away. Moshe Dovid is[…]
Chasidic singer and songwriter, Avrum Mordche Schwartz, in a new single – “Ki Loi Sazov“, which he wrote, composed and also arranged and produced musically himself. Song Composed & Lyrics by: Avrum Mordche Schwartz Produced & Arranged by: Recorded at Edgware Studios Engineered & Edited by: Gershy Schwartz Mix &[…]
Pinchas Ben Naim is releasing a deeply emotional song together with Avi Man, Avi Miller and Mushmush in memory of the 45 Kedoshim from the tragedy of Miron. The song was produced and arranged by Yishai Even Chaim.