Young Chabad singer Yair Elias is happy to present a special brand new Lag Baomer medley, arranged by Yosef Yitzchak Itach.
“Ba’avur Avotenu” From Naftali Kempeh Now Available In Vocal Version From The Mishalot Boy’s Choir
“Ba’avur Avotenu” by Naftali Kempeh, who conquered the world of yeshiva now with an invested vocal performance by the Mishalot boy’s choir, conducted by Daniel Yishai. Words: from the prayer Composer: Naftali Kempeh and Eli Klein Voices, arrangement and musical production: Daniel Yishai
Yonatan Stern In A Vocal Performance of The Hit Song ‘Nekudot’ By Shmuel
Singer Yonatan Stern presents a new and refreshing vocal performance of the song ‘Nekudot‘ by singer and composer Shmuel who composed and wrote the lyrics together with Shahar Hadar. Arrangement, vocals, vocals and music production by Yonatan Stern. Credits Lyrics: Shmuel, Shahar Hadar Composer: Shmuel Arrangement, vocals, voices and music[…]
OHAD Moskowitz & Dovid Rotberg With An Acapella Cover “Birchas Haorech”
In the midst of the Counting of the Omer days, Ohad Moskowitz and the singer Dovid Rotberg from the USA release a joint vocal performance, a cover of the song ‘Birchas Haorech‘ from Ohad‘s album ‘Birchas Haorech‘. The song was composed by Yossi Muller and the vocal arrangement is by[…]
Ohad Moskowitz & Capela Choir – Elokai Neshama (Acapella)
Yehuda Bachar Z”L with his infectious smile and beautiful voice continues to inspire people long after his terrible murder. The video of him singing Elokai Neshama especially provokes tremendous emotion, and now Ohad Moskowitz and the Capella Choir are releasing a special A Capella version of the song for Sefirah,[…]
Malchus Choir Acapella – Mona Rosenblum’s Great Overtures
The Malchus Choir presents an A Capella version of a medley of 21 different song intros from Mona Rosenblum throughout his entire illustrious career of musical composition. ותגלה ותראה – ביצוע במקור: שלוימי דסקל ואפרים מנדלסון. מופיע באלבום: מונה 4 ותמהר ותחיש – ביצוע במקור – עמית ליסטוונד. מופיע באלבום:[…]
“Ata Zocher”: Yaakov Rothblatt, ‘Yedidim’ & Yeled Hapella Eli Wachsler With A Vocal Version
In honor of Sefiras Ha’Omer, Yaakov Rothblatt and the Yedidim Choir are releasing an A Capella version of Ishay Ribo‘s popular Ata Zocher, featuring wunderchild Eli Wachsler.
TYH Nation Presents: Ein Zeh Hastara (Acapella) Mendy Worch
TYH Nation Presents Ein Zeh Hastara (Acapella) Mendy Worch Based on the beautiful song Afilu Behastara, the Bal Shem Tov explains the deeper idea that if you KNOW someone is there but he’s hiding, then you know you’re not alone. When a Yid remembers that Hashem tells us “ I[…]
TYH Presents: Sunrise Medidtations (Acapella) Chaim Ghoori
TYH Presents Sunrise Medidtations (Acapella) Chaim Ghoori 1 – Hisbatlus 2 – Baal Shem 3 – I Love You Hashem 4 – Bardichev Thank You Hashem invites you on a contemplative journey perfect for the transformative days between Pesach and Shavuos. Immerse yourself in the intricate harmonies and soothing melodies[…]
Yonatan Stern & Dvarim “Lecha Dodi” Acapella
Yonatan Stern and Yonatan Schwartz are presenting an A Capella single called Lecha Dodi from the new group “Dvarim“.