This is the third single from Nehorai Arieli, called Tatchil Lechayeich, composed by Nehorai himself and arranged and produced by Adi Netaneli.
Ishay Ribo – Kol Dodi LIVE
This version of “Kol Dodi” was recorded LIVE by Ribo, at a festive performance at the Mishkan for the Performing Arts in Tel Aviv. For the last and special performance at the Tower of David Museum, which took place at the beginning of the summer and was broadcasted live to[…]
The Children’s Choir “Mishalot” Renews Udi Davidi’s “Tachshov Tov” In A Ballad Version
Twelve years after the release of Udi Davidi‘s successful album “Lakol Zman“, the children’s choir “Mishalot” renews the biggest hit from the album Tachshov Tov, but with a twist – a slow but powerful version. Pay attention and re-experience the song. Composed and lyrics by: Udi & Efrat Davidi Musical[…]
Benzion Klatzko and Family – Veehee Noam [Official Dance Music Video]
Life is a journey, a maze with many paths. And with time running out, we try our best to reach the “finish line” with a trail of pleasantness and sanctification of Hashem’s name. That is our prayer as composed by Moshe Rabbeinu. This video depicts images of mazes, paths, and clocks[…]
Doniel Daitchman – Behind A Screen [Official Music Video]
“Behind A Screen“, The debut release from Doniel Daitchman, is a song describing the emotional stress that one’s phone usage can have on his or her family. While waiting at a Doctor’s office with his son, Doniel observed a young child trying to show his father something he had built,[…]
Ruli Dikman In A Video About Longing For The Generation Past – “Yamim Yafim”
If you thought that a 4K video isn’t beautiful, you haven’t seen the new clip from Ruli Dikman. If you thought that milk from a carton was the best way to have it, apparently you didn’t live in the good old days. If you thought that learning in a Yeshiva[…]
Israel Edri Presents: Shomer Alenu
Once every few years singer Israel Edri chooses a song, goes into the studio, and records. He has no interest in putting out albums or being stages anymore. When he was a child he was the soloist for the Pirchei Yerushalayim Boys Choir. He is now releasing a new song,[…]
Now On The Air! Shir HaSimcha By Shuki Salomon & Yishai Lapidot [Official Music Video]
Social media star, Shuki Salomon just released a new single called ‘Shir HaSimcha‘, which he is performing in a duet with Yishai Lapidot. As is his usual tradition, the song is accompanied by an amazing music video the likes of has never been seen before in the world of Jewish[…]
With His Foot On The Gas Pedal: Meydad Tasa – Naaseh Sameach
Meydad Tasa started his musical career as a Bar Mitzvah boy with his hit song Al Naharot Bavel, which catapulted him through the ranks of the Israeli Jewish music scene, through 8 further albums. He is now a married man, father to a young boy, and is going out to[…]
Oh HaShem – Moshe Storch (Official Lyric Video)
Released with a helping hand from our Father in Heaven on the Hebrew date that resembles that exact meaning: 14 Av – יד אב – Hand of our Father. It’s been a long journey with this song Simple, yet deep. 11/29/2016 during a Hisbodedus at Franklin Canyon inspired by Yaakov[…]