The relationship we have with Hashem is a remarkable one. Throughout our history the nations of the world have always tried to entice the Yidden to follow them, they call out to the Jews ‘Shuvi, Shuvi’ turn toward us and away from Hashem. To which we answer ‘Ma Techezu’ what[…]
Yedidya Yehoshua Releases A New Single With Words From The Haftaros of Nechama “Veanochi Lo Eshkachech”
“This pasuk always talked to me” says Yedidya, “Yerushalayim thought that Hashem had left her. Says Hakadosh Baruch Hu- can a mother forget her child? And even if this is possible,’ואנכי לא אשכחך’ I won’t forget you. It is very relevant to us and the times we are going through.[…]
Avi Ilson – Ten Li Ohr [Official Music Video]
Avi Ilson is well-known for his beautiful singles that are always accompanied by highly impressive music videos featuring international scenes. His new song, Ten Li Ohr, is no exception. Elchanan Elchadad wrote and composed the song, which was produced by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry. “Ten Li Ohr” an up-to-date[…]
Amiran Dvir – Soldi: The Jewish Version (Prod. By Sruli)
In honor of the new wedding season Amiran Dvir is releasing a new single that invites all of the friends to take off their jackets and hats, forget all their worries, and come to the dance floor to be Mesameach the Chosson during this challenging period of Corona. Produced by[…]
Mikey Mocton – Im Eshkachech
Mikey Mocton, producer and singer, has come out with a brand-new single “Im Eshkachech.” This single takes Jewish electronic music to the next level as a beautiful and meaningful song. Mikey is working on his own music but is also in the middle of working with a lot of other[…]
Moishe Mintz With His Debut Single & Music Video “K’racheim”
K’racheim is a song composed by new and upcoming singer Moishe Mintz. This song was born about 8 years ago, but he never had a chance to do anything with it until a few months ago. When the Coronavirus lockdown started in England, just like in many other places throughout[…]
The Very Moving Ballad From Mati Shriki Who Was Expelled From Gush Katif – Pnei Adama
Mati Shriki, one of the more active artists in the world of Jewish music is releasing a new song, a personal and emotional ballad, commemorating a decade and a half since Jews were forced to evacuate from Gush Katif. Mati was a soldier at that time, who was required to[…]
Yitzy Kaplowitz – Ein Od Milvado
Ein Od Milvado is the second single to be released from singer/songwriter/guitarist Yitzy Kaplowitz’s upcoming debut album Hayom. The song was inspired while learning an interesting maamar from the Nesivos Shalom ZY”A. It’s easy to recognize the divine providence, the Yad Hashem in supernatural miracles such as the Krias Yam[…]
Shlomo Katz – Anapoli
Approximately seven years ago, we began our soulful trips to the Ukraine. These trips have a dynamic of their own, which is hard to put into words. The hours on the bus together forge intense bonding and even though we barely sleep, we somehow have more energy than usual. The[…]
Achoseinu – Baruch Levine & Eitan Katz
Eitan Katz and Baruch Levine are now releasing a very special duet, based on the Bracha that was given to Rivka Imeinu when she left her father’s house to go and marry Yitzchak. About 20 years ago, R’ Dovid Feinstein Shlita requested from his close talmid R’ Eliezer Chait to[…]