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עטיפה סינגל בזכות - 1

Shalom Bernholtz With A New Hit: B’zchus

Chassidic star singer, Shalom Bernholtz, releases a new single in honor of Lag B’omer. It is an upbeat song geared for people dancing in circles and everyone else as well. A year after the release of his smashing debut album ‘Bikurim”, Shalom Bernholtz breaks the sefirah silence and presents a[…]

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Yosef Chaim Shwekey: B’zchus Hatzaddik

B’zchus Hatzaddik is a new pop single in the mountains of Meron, with a unique and accurate message about the feelings and longing of every Jew and the great salvation brought about through Rabbi Shimon. Although this song is coming out at a special time of his yartzeit, it will[…]

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פייער אין מירון - עטיפה מלבן

Chaim Israel, Ahrele Samet, Meir Adler, Bentzi Stein & Ari Hill “Fire in Meron” Presented By Ohr Rashbi

Melodies of yearning, joy and enthusiasm, interwoven with genius that combines ancient emotional melodies from the past with songs that have recently been released. The great Chassidic singer joins the Mizrachi singer under the composer Bentzi Stein. In honor of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Credits: Music: Itzik Eisenstadt Choir: acapella[…]

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