Yaakov “Ketzeleh“ Katz and Akiva Margaliot are releasing a new song together with vocal arranger Dudi Kalish. The words are to Ata Yodeah Razei Olam from the Yom Kippur Tefillos. The track was arranged by Akiva Margaliot himself.

Yaakov “Ketzeleh“ Katz and Akiva Margaliot are releasing a new song together with vocal arranger Dudi Kalish. The words are to Ata Yodeah Razei Olam from the Yom Kippur Tefillos. The track was arranged by Akiva Margaliot himself.
Recently Yonatan Stern released his debut album called Koli, and now he is releasing an A Capella cover to the major song Ma’amin Benisim from Yaakov Shwekey.
Singer Sinai Mauda is opening the Elul Zman with a new single called Yitzchak Elchanan. The song tells the story of R’ Yitzchak Elchanan Spector, composed by Pinky Weber, with new Yiddish lyrics from the Neiman family, with Sinai’s own Yiddish twists. Moshe Avraham arranged the track.
Dan Isaac and Binyomin Rubenstein have been making music together since 2010. Their new and inspiring Jewish music project comes from an array of nigunim (songs) written by Binyomin and developed, recorded and produced by the duo in Israel. Isaac and Rubenstein create acoustic, live, real, and beautiful music with[…]
Produced and arranged by: Aryeh Kunstler Composed and written by: Moyo Orlofsky, Eli Dachs, and Gavriel Reichman Directed by: Nochum Wolf Artwork by: Yehuda Krupka Vocals: Moyo Orlofsky, Eli Dachs, Gavriel Reichman, and Shlomo Ghoori Lyrics: Low 1: I’ve been thinking drowning in the thoughts pouring from my head Low[…]
Enjoy this beautiful song “Lev Nishbar” composed by the Mashpia Reb Shloime Hoffman. The Mashpia, Reb Shloime Hoffman, approached the Baal Menagen and Rosh Yeshivas Koichvei Ohr Reb Beri Weber and presented him with a beautiful song “Lev Nishbar”. Beri who is famous for inspiring the entire world with[…]
The terrible tragedy that befell the Shinrav family a few weeks ago when their father and son were injured, and their daughter Rena was murdered, left the entire Jewish people in pain. A few days after the attack, the mayor of the city of Lod (where the Shinrav family lives)[…]
Since the release of his second album “Emes” is 2017, singer NACHAS has only release one song, Magic In The Air, a cover he released back in 2018. That isn’t to say that he hasn’t been very busy with Weddings and Bar mitzvah’s, just that he hasn’t found the time[…]
For YY, as an 18 year old aspiring new artist from LA it was always more than singing at the shabbos table, it was about making his inspiring and heartfelt original Jewish music accessible to all. This debut single “Titein” which YY wrote just before his fathers 4th Yartzeit, is[…]
After producing numerous songs for other singers, Moshe Siegel finally comes out with a song of his own, titled “When All Feels Lost“, a beautiful song that encourages us to daven to Hashem even in the darkest times and that no matter what, Hashem is always listening to our tefilos.[…]