A few moments before the Three Weeks, Sendy Oppman is releasing a vocal performance of Sharon Avilchak‘s composition for “Al Naharot Bavel“, originally performed by Meydad Tasa.

A few moments before the Three Weeks, Sendy Oppman is releasing a vocal performance of Sharon Avilchak‘s composition for “Al Naharot Bavel“, originally performed by Meydad Tasa.
Shmuel Naaman is only 17 years old and is already working hard on his debut album. He is from Haifa, and he plays no less than six different instruments and is now demonstrating his talents in singing and composition. He is now releasing the second single from the album, called[…]
Produced by Doni Gross ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just take my hand… together we’ll get through… who is a true friend? Someone who’s there for you through good times AND challenging times. Friends who stand the test of time. Thank you Hashem for my amazing friends! For every friend that ever encouraged me,[…]
Arranger, producer, composer and conductor Yoeli Dikman is adding a new song to his original project called Number 1, which he has been working on for the past few years. This new song, called Limtzoh Chein, is a song that touches the heartstrings in a special presentation through the incredible[…]
French singer David Hababou just released a brand new single in Hebrew written by Elad Trebelski and arranged by Ilan Abu and David Chajaj, called Hakol Tov. This new song is the first single off David‘s upcoming second album to be released in the coming months.
Though its been two years since the release of his last album, singer Yosef Chaim Shwekey returns to the stage with an all new single. The song, “Chazor Becha,” is taken from a letter written by the Chazon Ish zt”l to a student who had decided to leave yeshiva. The[…]
With the Three Weeks approaching, Sruli & Netanel are presenting an entirely different kind of song, full of somber emotion called Boneh Yerushalayim. Sruli composed the song when he was only 17 years old.
Israeli singer Gil Israelov usually releases songs full of soul and feeling, emotional touching ballads that touch the hearts of his fans worldwide. Now composer and singer Israelov is back and all he wishes is for you to be happy “Rak Tismach“. “Rak Tismach” a upbeat song written by Israelov[…]
Right in the middle of the summer events season singer Yisrael Gavra is releasing a new single called Inshallah. The song is the result of a joint effort between Gavra and singer Itay Amran who wrote the lyrics and composed the song, which was arranged and produced by Tomer Matana.[…]
Yoni Gamerman from Brazil is a recent Oleh of only half a year in Israel, and has already made a name for himself in the wedding singer marketplace and is now releasing his debut single called Regah Shel Chattan V’Kallah. Adi Netaneli wrote the Brazilian sounding arrangement, in which some[…]