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Mendy Worch - UMAN Rosh Hashana Single Cover Final English

Mendy Worch: Rosh Hashana Uman!! {NEW SINGLE}

Every year, thousands of people travel to Uman Ukraine to daven at the Kever/Tzion of the holy Rebbe R’ Nachman of Breslov. It’s well-known that Rabbi Nachman said those who daven by him in Uman on Rosh Hashana will merit to have great joy all year as well as ultimate[…]

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Moshe Tischler - Tefilat Neiros Release Date Image

Moshe Tischler – Tefilas Ha’Neiros [Official Audio]

After releasing his smashing debut single “Bishvili”, Moshe is excited to bring you his new single “Tefilas Ha’Neiros”. Working alongside one of the biggest names in Jewish music –Yitzy Waldner, Moshe will take you to new levels of inspiration with the poignant words of Tefilas Ha’Neiros. The new single “Tefilas[…]

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Udi Damari - Lo Yachol Lisbol

Udi Damari – Lo Yachol Lisbol

After his first single Tavoh, which was tremendously successful, writer, composer, arranger and producer Udi Damari is now moving forward and releasing his second single from his personal project. The song is called Lo Yachol Lisbol.    

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Mati Shriki - Im

A New Single For Mati Shriki “Im”

While hard at work on his third album, Mati Shriki is releasing a new single called “Im“. Mati wrote and composed the song himself, which was produced and arranged by Noam Akrabi and Mati.       אם הייתי נווד ולא היה לי בית אם היתה אהבה ולא ידעתי מה[…]

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Shlomo Katz - Avo El Hamelech

Shlomo Katz: Avo El Hamelech – New Single

Amongst the many beautiful words which accompany our journey through the Machzor during the high holidays, one of the most common words in all the silent Shmone Esre prayers is the word ‘Uvchen’ ובכן. Uv’chen Yitkadash Shimcha Uv’chen Ten Pachdecha Uv’chen Ten Kavod Uv’chen Tzaddikim Uv’chen Lecha Ta’ale Kedusha What[…]

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