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Avremi Roth & Yossi Green - Vezochrenu Lechaim

Avremi Roth & Yossi Green – Vezochrenu Lechaim

Its only been a short time since Yossi Green and Avremi Roth met. The two have already produced together two masterful projects, including the Nussach Green Kabalas Shabbos album. Now they are presenting a taste of their further work together on putting Yossi’s compositions to Yomim Noraim pieces, in this[…]

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Meydad Tasa - Rabi Nachman

Meydad Tasa – Rabi Nachman

Singer Meydad Tasa is releasing a new song in honor of R’ Nachman from Breslov. The song is decided to all those who go to Rabbi Nachman for Rosh Hashana. Aviad Gil co-wrote the lyrics with Meydad, and the composed was created by Meydad, and arranged by Itzik Kreif.  […]

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Gil Israelov - Va'Ani BeChasdecha

Gil Israelov – Va’Ani BeChasdecha

Gil Israelov and Yuval Ben David are practically neighbors for a while, but only recently met randomly while at shul. They immediately connected over their musical skills and talents. Now Israelov is releasing a single called Va’Ani Bechasdecha for the Yomim Noraim which he composed, and Yuval arranged and produced.[…]

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