Even though its Bein Ha’Zmanim, and people aren’t in the Yeshiva’s anymore, Ahareleh Weintraub wants to remind everyone to find those spare moments during the vacation to learn, and to remember the lesson in this song, “Yesh Koneh Olamo“.

Even though its Bein Ha’Zmanim, and people aren’t in the Yeshiva’s anymore, Ahareleh Weintraub wants to remind everyone to find those spare moments during the vacation to learn, and to remember the lesson in this song, “Yesh Koneh Olamo“.
Less than two months after releasing his all new English album Serenity, British superstar Shloime Gertner is now releasing a Hebrew version of his hit song Hands In The Air titled Yadayim B’Avir. A few years ago Shloime was mostly known in England, but over the past few years he[…]
Even though he stood and competed on Hakol Haba, singer Mordechai Cohen is known from other places. He has been singing already for 20 years, with the hit song VaYizku that he also composed. Shimcha Echad is a new single, with more to come. Yanky Cohen arranged the song with[…]
Hillel Meir from Beitar Illit grew up on Chassidic music, specifically American music like Miami Boys Choir and the Chevra. He only began thinking of going into professional singing about six years ago when a Chessed project asked him to sing at a wedding. The crowd enjoyed his performance. He[…]
Michel Pardes is releasing another song from his upcoming new album, this time called Modeh Ani. Avi Singolda arranged the song in his signature “Chassidic Soft Rock” style.
After the tremendous success of new singer Avi Ilson‘s single Chatan V’Kallah, which has been played over and over on the radio and garnered thousands of views on YouTube, DJ’s Amiram Ben Lulu and Niso Slob approached him and created a remixed version of the song.
Due to a tremendous miracle that happened to Yair David when he returned to Israel from Uman, he turned to Pizmon composer Rami Lev to compose something about what happened to him. The result is the new song Mi Yachol Negdi. The song was arranged and produced by Eran Karmi.[…]
July 23rd- Jerusalem, IL Big, world class, grandeur and groundbreaking are just a few words that describe the new single “King of the World” from rapper Nissim Black. After a year break from releasing new songs, Nissim has comeback with an explosive although, heartfelt song that is sure to captivate[…]
The Kinderlach are opening summer celebrations in a perfect way: new and shiny album, fourth in a row, named ‘Sababa‘ that is about to be released to the musical stores this week. And today, the band is releasing a single from the album, called ‘Rotzim Lismoach‘, that was written and[…]
Ovadia Chamama is releasing the first song off his new upcoming project, his second album from the songs of R’ Kook. His first album of R’ Kook’s precious words was a tremendous hit and touched many hearts with Chamama’s compositions to them. Ahavat Chinam is the first taste from the[…]