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Ariel Zino – Or Ha’Emet

From a young age, Ariel Zino learned with some of the best Paytanim in Israel and throughout the world and became a Chazzan in a Shul in Netivot. Ariel is now releasing his first single at 20 years old called Or Ha’Emet, written by Michael Krispin and composed by Assaf[…]

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Tenor Productions “Bikashti”

If you’ve heard anything in Jewish music over the past 20 years, you’ve definitely heard at some point a vocal track of Motty Rottler. There’s almost no album that doesn’t have his vocal flavor on it. In honor of his fortieth birthday, a number of his friends got together in[…]

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Shlomo Minnes – Eich HaOlam Mistovev

For a long time, the soul has been yearning for something new, a song to nurture the heart and to instill happiness and emotion as one. The soul has been searching for a tune to take everywhere it goes, a tune that will enter the depth and help the person[…]

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Benny – B’sefer Chaim

With the advent of the brand new year of 5777, Benny Friedman Benny Friedman releases a melodious good year wish to the community, an upbeat song called “B’sefer Chaim.” “Lchaim, Lchaim, Lchaim Tovim…” goes the refrain, and Benny hopes the gentle but cheerful notes will inspire people to prepare for[…]

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