A few weeks ago Avrumi Weinberg released a brand new single called Libi Eir, and now he is adding another one called Efshar Letaken. The original lyrics Avrumi wrote himself and composed, and the song was arranged and produced by Avraham Yischakov.

A few weeks ago Avrumi Weinberg released a brand new single called Libi Eir, and now he is adding another one called Efshar Letaken. The original lyrics Avrumi wrote himself and composed, and the song was arranged and produced by Avraham Yischakov.
Singer Shuki Salomon is releasing a brand new single called Shir Ha’Nitzachon featuring a duet together with Pini Einhorn. Shuki wrote and composed the song himself which was produced by Shmulik Berger.
Singers Chaim Avital and Nehorai Arieli are releasing a brand new touching duet called Shmor Nah Aleinu, the famous tune that we all know in a brand new arrangement and production. The song was arranged and produced by Yehuda Forti.
Singer songwriter Shauli is back with another original single. “Kakochavim Ba’Layla”, is a song with lyrics taken from the piyut of “Hamavdil” which we say on Motzei Shabbos. “ I composed this song around 2005 and always enjoyed playing it especially in public since people really took a liking to[…]
In recent years, Chasdei Lev has released a number of inspiring songs and music videos, depicting the real life impact of our Rebbeim, teachers, and Moros. Today, we’re excited to release a new hit song and music video starring world-renowned, singing sensation Benny Friedman, titled “Rebbi, It’s All From You!”[…]
Happy to present this newest heartwarming release “L’Mikdoshech” A song to warm the heart, at a time like this, a light in the darkness, composed at the Tarnow Ghetto, Poland, who could ever forget our Eternal redemption that’s so near. Who could ever forget to ask again and again for[…]
TYH Nation Presents Reb Shaya Ben Reb Moshe ZY”A Joey Newcomb / Farbrengable Studios Reb Shayele was a destination for all kind of Jews needing a warm meal or an encouraging word. With no questions asked Reb Shayale was there to provide for another Yid. During difficult times, klal yisroel[…]
This extraordinary composition, originally crafted by the legendary Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”l, draws inspiration from the valiant efforts of Yehuda Hamaccabi as he faced the challenges of the Yevunim during the era of the Beis Hamikdash. Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”l, channeled the spirit of unity and praise for Hashem in[…]
Sruli Broncher and Elazar Amselem are co-releasing a brand new single called Nissim V’Niflaot.
Singer Chaim Yaskil is releasing a brand new Chanukah single called Chasoif, which he composed himself. The song was arranged and produced by Menachem Welpin.