Singer Nachman Adamker is releasing a brand new single called Chazkeinu which he composed himself, with a dubstep arrangement. The song was arranged and produced by Ben Ochana.
Kavei El Hashem- Chaim Meir Fligman
We’re excited to present to you this beautiful song from Amit Listvand off his album זכני which was originally arranged by Moshe Laufer. This song came up when the legendary Chaim Meir Fligman of the famous Shir Vshevach Boys Choir, and the new rising star talented musician Lazer Wieder were preparing[…]
Daniel Gutmann Brings In The Atmosphere of The Yemei Harachamim With The Possuk “Yemei Harachamim”
Rosh Hashana is less than two weeks away, and Daniel Gutmann is releasing a brand new medley single called Yemei Ha’Rachamim, arranged and produced by Yonatan Bloi.
Bringing In The Yomim Noroim: Netanel Aboksis “Lehagia Muchan”
After his first two successful singles Ha’Derech Chazarah and Lenagen B’Ruach, singer Netanel Aboksis is releasing a brand new single called Lehagiah Muchan, which he wrote and composed himself, arranged and produced by Yitzchak Suisa.
Uman Is Here! Chaim Avital & Itzik Eshel “Rosh Hashana Sheli”
In anticipation of the upcoming trip to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, singer Chaim Avital and Itzik Eshel are co-releasing an upbeat duet called Rosh Hashana Sheli. The song was originally by Yoeli Klein and Shaya Gross and is re-arranged by DJ Roei Harush.
New Single – “Birega Katon” Nati Brodye & Hillel Kapnick
With the rebuilding of the Temple still on our minds following the three weeks and Tisha B’av, and with Elul bringing us closer to the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, this song is a reminder that no matter what is happening in our lives, G-d is[…]
New Single From Hillel Kapnick & Takshivu “Sos Asis” (Happy With You)
With Elul now in full swing, Jews around the world reflect on the past year and recognize all the amazing gifts Hashem has given them. There is no greater way to Thank Hashem than to proclaim how happy we are that he is our Creator, our King, and our Father![…]
Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried & Yaakov Shwekey, Accompanied By The Mendy Hershkowitz Band & Shira Choir
The stars align to create the ultimate Jewish music experience in “Legends Unite“! Sing and dance along as we blend the iconic sounds of Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried and Yaakov Shwekey, accompanied by the Mendy Hershkowitz Band and Shira Choir, into one unforgettable, mesmerizing medley. Let the music transport[…]
Aaron Razel – Ki Eshmera Shabbat
Aaron Razel is re-releasing his song Ki Eshmera Shabbat as a single, from his previously released album, K’Ben Ha’Mitgaageah. The song was composed and arranged by Aaron himself together with Avi Tal.
Davka Nafshi – The Dveykus Song – Luzy Klatzko | Composed by Benzion Klatzko
I call this song, “The Dveykus song,” as it is as beautiful as it is spiritual in our desire to connect to our Creator . I used to ask my children the following question. What is more satisfying, food when you are hungry or drink when you are thirsty? The[…]