While Jews all over are nervous and anxious about the war, Itzik Eshel and Chaim Avital are releasing a medley of Emunah songs, arranged by Maor Chaim, which will lead us to victory.

While Jews all over are nervous and anxious about the war, Itzik Eshel and Chaim Avital are releasing a medley of Emunah songs, arranged by Maor Chaim, which will lead us to victory.
TYH Nation Presents Songs of soldiers – שירי החיילים DJ Farbreng Feat. Meir Green – מאיר גרין We all get so much chizuk and strength when we see the Jewish Army going to battle with the name of Hashem on their lips. The videos of Chayalim singing and dancing with[…]
“Am Yisroel Chai” In Conjunction with R’ Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim Featuring: Benny Friedman Music Produced By: Doni Gross Video Produced By: KolRom Ever since the war broke out, the chesed of Klal Yisrael has been nonstop. We’ve all seen and heard clips of the unending giving. It’s[…]
I am delighted to present to you today a beloved classic that holds a special place in my heart and in the hearts of many others. This song is a staple at numerous Rebbishe Hoifen, especially in the Bobover Hoif and is known by it’s title ‘Melech Rachmon/Shabbos Breishis’, Chassidim[…]
I find myself during this time in a state of sadness and despair. Israel feels alone, Hashem also feels alone. We need something deep, something that opens the heart, to give us strength to pray from our innermost beings and reach the highest heavens. This song, KIVISI, is here to[…]
From the moment Yom Tov ended in New York, I’ve been trying to find words to convey to our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. But the pain and shock has choked all words. At this time all our hearts are joined in prayer for the safety and well being[…]
Yossi surprises us every time with his own style. Just when you think you know Yossi, he suddenly comes up with another innovation and musical presentation in the ultra-Orthodox world, with a first thought that puts on the words from the source he chooses in a musical arrangement that delivers[…]
Chassidic singer Shalom Wag is releasing a brand new single called Ushpizin Kadishin, arranged and produced by Mordechai Hass. The song is a cover of R’ Shlomo Carlebach‘s song.
Right after Yom Kippur ended, Kobi Brummer and Ari Goldwag are releasing a joint duet single called Hosha Na. This hit song’s super energy will carry everyone through the Succah building and other Yom Tov preparations. The words, the composition and the upbeat arrangement will turn Hoshana into the song[…]
After their song Tateleh, Ari Hill and Moshe Dovid Weissmandl are teaming up again in the recording studio, this time to bring us the song “Kiddush“. The original melody was composed by R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich, added on to in the third stanza by Bentzi Stein. The track was arranged[…]