Moshe Dovid Weissmandel and the Neshama Choir are releasing a live performance from a dinner for Belz, produced by Ephraim Zilberberg.

Moshe Dovid Weissmandel and the Neshama Choir are releasing a live performance from a dinner for Belz, produced by Ephraim Zilberberg.
Neta Levine presents in honor of Matan Torah and Shavous, a brand new single from singer Ari Hill, called Ikka B’Shuka, composed by R’ Shmuel Greiniman, arranged and produced by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.
Shavout is the time of year we celebrate that Hashem gave us the Torah. G-D chose us to be his nation as it says, ואתם תהיו לי ממלכת כהנים ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש – we must always know and remember we are a nation of princes and of kings. Available[…]
Singer Natan Shoham is releasing his debut single called B’Lev Sameach, composed by Elchanan Elchadad, and arranged by the Shriki brothers.
While on his way through becoming religious, and throughout the difficulties of all of questions and conflicts, Netanel Aboksis was inspired with the melody for the song Ha’Derech Chazarah, now produced by Yitzchak Souisa. Netanel is now a married father of five children and learning in a Kollel in Be’er[…]
Mesiba is the debut single of up and coming singer Eliya Dery, while he also is working hard on his upcoming debut album. The lyrics to the song were written by Eliran Avital and Adi Kviri, and arranged by Meshiach Meshiach, and Eliran Avital.
A year ago tonight, many of us turned on our phones to the frightening news that Yoni Z had endured a bad motorbike accident in Rome, Italy — causing thousands to join in Tehillim for a speedy recovery and much needed miracles. Well, it seemed to have worked. A year[…]
Singer Emanuel Shulman is releasing a new single called Yomam V’Leil, written and composed by his brother Avraham. The song was arranged by Sharon Reyes and Emanuel together, and produced by Sharon.
With the beginning of the new summer wedding season, singer Moshe Klein is releasing a brand new single in anticipation of his upcoming Israeli-style album. The song is called Od Lo Me’Uchar, composed and written by Yosef Dudian, and produced and arranged by Ahreleh Nachshoni.
Is there a greater gift than Shabbos ?! How lucky are we that every Shabbos we get to turn off the outside world and reconnect with family and friends, with ourselves, and with our Creator. Chazal teach us that Shabbos is the Mekor Habracha, the source of all blessings in[…]