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8th Day – Moses In Me (Unplugged)

In general, some songs are clearly written for the listener, but to do it right you need to write a song totally for yourself (that just so happens to resonate very well with others). And while we were in the writing phase for the album titled “Slow Down,” that’s exactly what happened with the song “Moses in Me“.

It’s so easy to find fault in others. The lighting guy, or the engineer, or the acoustics of the room. But we all have that moment in life when we stop blaming everyone else, when we start to see that our biggest struggle and enemy is actually in our own mind and heart. The sweetest victory is won over the Pharaoh in your head. The inner Pharaoh that’s trying to hold you back and trying to enslave you to bad habits. The Pharaoh that no one else sees but you.

In 2017 Pharaoh was knocking but we discovered we’ve got a little bit of “Moses In Me”.