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Avrumy Straus & Friends – Vezoicher

Avrumy Straus is back with another inspiring song! After the tremendous success of his last video, Avrumy reunited with Keyboardist Ephraim Berkowitz and percussionist Shia Beck to bring you this soul-stirring niggun.

Filmed at a recent Sheva Brachos, Straus performed the song V’zocher written by R’ Shlomo Carlebach ZT”L. in 1962

This song conveys a beautiful message of the importance of always remembering where we come from, so that it should always resonate in our daily lives.

Avrumy is a Chassidishe Yungerman who was primarily inspired by the music of R’ Yitzchak Fuchs and R’ Shlomo Carlebach ZT”L. He performs at Sheva Brochos, Bar Mitzvahs and Simchas of all kind. Avrumy has always loved music especially Kumzits style, which gives the music a more intimate touch. After the tremendous success of his last video, it can only be expected that this stunning song will take your breath away!

Song: V’zocher

composed by R’ Shlomo Carlebach – 1962

Guitar/Lead Vocals: Avrumy Straus

Keybaord/ Backup Vocals: Ephraim Berkowitz

Percussion/ Backup Vocals: Shia Beck

Post Production: Ephraim Berkowitz (Keybird Studios)

Video: BenHesh Studios