In those days of Purim and especially this year when you need to thank G-d that you’re healthy and alive whilst there are 1,000s worldwide that are panicking what will be coming next I wanna share with you the beautiful release accompanied by a music video…
“Al Hanisim”
Which was composed by the multi-talented young man Efraim Markowitz in a way that brings it out how you have to thank G-d on this situation and on day to day basics..
Efraim Markowitz is a name you probably didn’t hear much from yet, But you will in the near future a lot!
Efraim, is a multi-talented young man Originally from London located now in Israel, by writing his own compositions, arranging the music, mixing & mastering, and some times doing the vocals too he enters the music industry in the most unique way you ever imagined a man to come in so talented!
Al HaNissim is words you can defiantly say these days with the terrible Coronavirus going around and spreading daily. so we thank Hashem on the miracles and things he’s doing!
Now with releasing this beautiful melody as his first debut, a song full of creativity and motivation he brings you a first taste of what’s awaited to come a lot more in upcoming projects!
Follow Efraim Markowitz on Instagram…
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