The popular children’s band Kinderlach is releasing an intriguing video clip for ‘Sababa’, the theme song of its fourth album. The song was written and composed by Itzik Dadya, clip produced by musician Shai Barak.
The children’s band Kinderlach released its fourth album, ‘Sababa’ this past summer. An energetic and young album containing 14 tracks in a variety of different musical styles. Now the band is releasing a new clip for the theme song of the album with the intriguing name written and composed by the singer and creator Itzik Dadya.
Unlike the other songs on the album, which carry light messages that appeal to the young audience, the song ‘Sababa’ contains a much more complex message. “I’m a Jew, I do not evade anyone, yes it’s me, Tefillin every morning and say ‘Modeh Ani’.” In the days when public debate and debate over the issue of “incitement” is growing, the children choose to relate to the common denominator that unifies the entire population, rather than tears it apart. The message that the song wishes to convey is that we will be able to look beyond the walls of difference and separation, and we will focus on the common point shared by the entire Jewish people. For this purpose, the actors were recruited from different backgrounds, ultra-Orthodox, secular, Mizrahi and Ashkenazi, a yeshiva student and an IDF soldier, an Ethiopian young man, a national religious fellow, and more.
“During my military service in the military rabbinate, I sang alongside soldiers who came from different backgrounds,” says the song’s composer, Itzik Dadya. “We always spoke among ourselves, the soldiers, about the fact that after all, when we look inside, even though we have might have different customs, gaps and differences we are all sons of one nation. And this is the message I wanted to convey when I wrote the song ‘Sababa.’ I hope I succeeded. ”
Shai Barak , who produced the clip, is a respected musician who connected with the Kinderlach band for the current project. “The idea that we wanted to convey in the song, is that we can not judge people by external appearance, we tried to create a play that would blur the outer envelope. So that you cannot differentiate between the ultra-Orthodox and the secular person, the student and the soldier, and to show that in the end we are all Jews.”
Producer David Fadida, founded the Kinderlach about 15 years ago. Today, he concludes with satisfaction with years of extensive musical activity all over the world. “As far as I am concerned, the Kinderlach is a representative sample of Israeli society and consists of children from all walks of life. And as we fly with the children and prepare them for performances before Jewish communities around the world, we stress the point that regardless of our differences, we are all Jews. And this is exactly the message we wanted to convey through this special project. “