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Legend of Passover: The Seder – Kadeish Irchatz By Motty Vizel, The Malchus Choir & Hershey Segal!

Thus, Motty Vizel and the Malchus Choir under the direction of Pinchas Bichler sat for a festive and moving Seder Nacht to sing together the arrangement of the holy night Kadeish Irchatz in the melody of Hershey Rotenberg.

Accompanied by the musical orchestra of Hershey Segal, who chose this time to embark on a desert camel journey, following the footsteps of our forefathers upon their departure from Egypt.

One item was not removed on the magnificent Seder table on the way to the perfect production, from matzah to marror, from karpas and charoset to the kois Eliyahu, and even clear water from Noam 1 was placed at the disposal of the collectors.

At the center of the song is Motty – the former unforgettable prodigy Aharon Halevi – to the moving passage on which he made his mark as a child, “Kasher Zochinu,” from the Vizhnitzi studio, and performed it again in his voice today.

Watch and enter the atmosphere.