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Malchus Choir & Zanvil Weinberger – Oid Yeishvu Vocal

After 5 revolutionary vocal productions from the Malchus Choir; Perkei Avos, Kabbalas HaTorah, Nuch Ain Shabbos, Amar Rabbi Akiva, and Mi Shebeirach, we are introduced to the next song of the series, called ‘Oid Yeishvu‘. But this time the video will look a little different because it was produced during the time we are all in quarantine because of Coronavirus.

For the first time, you will be introduced to the extended Malchus family, where each individual is in their own home dealing with different circumstances. One is learning with a dear son, another is playing a Clicks game, some are engaged in kitchen routines, while others are in a fenced-in porch, with vocal performances all connected through Zoom, under the guidance of Pinchas Bichler.

The chosen melody is Yossi Green‘s nostalgic song originally performed by a the king of Jewish music Mordechai Ben David – עוד ישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות ירושלים…, whose words are so so apropos in these days of isolation, as the expectation of redemption intensifies and the wish for ‘ורחובות העיר יימלאו ילדים וילדות משחקים’, where we look forward to seeing children playing in the streets, makes more sense than ever!

The legendary singer Zanvil Weinberger breathes a new interpretation to the song and lyrics with his majestic voice, along with Malchus Choir. Also seen in this video are the “alumni” who came out of the choir ranks for their own careers and are currently at the forefront of the music and simcha halls, such as Itzik Sprei, Pini Folk, Yossel Leifer, Moshi Nilander, Yanky Braun and, of course, the CEO who became the brilliant home soloist Yoily Davidovich.

The municipality of Jerusalem is working together with its citizens to overcome coronavirus. We hope and daven that we can actually see the streets of Yerushalayim fill with the sounds of children.

Recording as always at M.W. Studios- Michael Weinberger
Chaim Moses’- mix
Digital and PR: Bachazit