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“Rotzo” Blue Melody, Beri Weber, Mezamrim – Classic Blue

With Pesach around the corner, we proudly present a classic Blue Melody production-Rotzo! Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim so He could give us the greatest gift of all: Torah and Mitzvos! Enjoy Beri Weber‘s golden vocals, and Mezamrim Choir‘s exquisite harmonies led by the one and only Chilu Pozen!

To have Blue Melody, Beri, and Mezamrim perform at your Simcha:

Call: 732.908.2583 (BLUE) Email: [email protected]


Video: Ben Hesh

Audio: SC Events Inc.

Mix: Baba Z

Production: Eli Lax

Stage: JJ Greenwald

Lighting: David Jacobs