He is known as a reporter and journalist (in Israel), but now he is also a composer and singer. Shalom Freund in a premiere, innovative and refreshing single – “Darka Shel Torah”, in a complete and unique musical production by renowned Israeli singer Yehuda Dym.
As far as Shalom Freund is concerned, the music field is not new to him. Apparently, he has already begun to sing and compose from a very young age, and if you ask in the Hasidic court of Machnovke-Belz, to which he belongs, you will find that until recently he was considered the composer of the Chassidus, even if not formally.
A short clarification revealed, that Freund was singing new songs he had composed for the Chassidus of Machnovke-Belz, and that thousands of Chassidim have already danced to Freund‘s songs at the Rebbe’s Simcho’s. But now Freund has gone for a new way on his own, in which he presents his first fruit from a respectable list of his most up-to-date Chassidic melodies.
This is a new and interesting melody on the Mishna in Avot (4: 4): “Kach HeDarka Shel Torah“… and considering the holy words that accompany man in the path of Torah, it is certainly possible that this song may be the crowning glory of yeshiva students.
Shalom Freund unveils the path that led him to the song “Darka Shel Torah“, and says that “This is one of the first songs I composed, when I was a young yeshiva student at the age of 16. I did not think that this particular song would become my first single, but when I decided to release my first single, I then sat down with my dear friend Yehuda Dym, who produced the song for me, and when we went through a collection of melodies from a long list which I have composed, Yehuda was especially inspired by the lyrics and the melody of Darka Shel Torah“.
Freund continues to explains: “Well, Yehuda embraced this melody since he found it to be something unique and extraordinary”.
“Retroactively”, Freund concludes: “It turns out that Yehuda Dym touched the proper string, and this when ‘Darka Shel Torah‘ went out on the royal journey”.
The successful adaptation of a Hassidic fragrance alongside sounds from the world of international music is performed by the processor Jeff Horvitch, and performed by world renowned musicians Avi Singolda on the guitars and Avi Avidani on the drums. Choirs include: Yehuda Dym, Avi Inberg, Avi Jano and Sinai Mauda. Keyboards, synthetics, mix and mastering: Jeff Horvitch.
The single is being launched with a special lyrics video clip, produced and edited by Shirli van den Berg.
Is this the way of Torah? If you listen to the song – you’ll understand that it’s just like that. Have a pleasant listening!
For information or purchase of melodies: realchosen1@gmail.com