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Shea Berko “Remaigined” An Aaron Teitelbaum Production

The third in our ‘Reimagined‘ series, features the fresh vocal sounds of Shea Berko, together with the new look Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra.

The clip is a quick glimpse into a wedding that recently took place on February 3rd 2019 at Marina Del Rey, for the Kestenbaum and Schlomann families. Enjoy an energetic and powerful rock set loaded with energy.

Songs are:

Ki Hem- Baruch Chait

Amcha- Mendy Wald

Emes Veyatziv- Yossi Green/Avremi Roth

Al Tisyaesh- MBD


Production: Aaron Teitelbaum / The Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra

Music Arranged by: Yisroel Lamm, Eli Lax

Band Leader: Eli Lax

Vocals: Shea Berko

Live Sound: SolveTech

Sound engineer and live mix: Baba & Avrumi Berko

Technical Production: Jay Kay/Joe B

Public Relations: Chad Kaminetsky

International Concierge: Shimon Halperin

Video Production: Neuman Media & Jay Kay