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Yonatan Razel: “Ase Lemaan” (Single)

Here we are again in Elul, we appear before Hashem as a slave before his master, as a son before his father, begging asking: We want to open a new page … Want, want, but can not alone! The heart is still opaque. father!

And in the prayers and supplications and the attempt to choose and be elected to life – we seek every right, every ray of light, and if not our right, then the right of our forefathers, the right of our people, the right of longing for your home. Do for your name, for your sake!

In the Gemara, it is written that the Holy One, blessed be He, prays for the sake of God, The “digging” that turns the earth … and gives it a new life.

“שובה אלינו בהמון רחמיך”
It’s been a year since I shared your songs with my new album.

And now, as they say “towards the end” – I send “Ase Lemaan” … hope to give power to prayers, that will accompany the days and nights, the Selichot and the cows, the joys and the hopes.

I send my blessing, the blessing of the layman, to a happy New Year, that the year and its blessings will begin, privately and publicly, that we will all be able to meet in the Temple very soon [and hope to be there with the Levites orchestra] and complete redemption!

Yonatan Adi Razel Halevy
Jerusalem – Elul 5777