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Jeff Braverman & Jonathan Rimberg - Hineni

Jeff Braverman & Jonathan Rimberg – Hineni

A message from Jeff Braverman:

Excited to share with everyone this new song, Hineni (Niggun Eliezer) written and produced in memory of my kid brother Alan -Eliezer Yehuda ben Yaakov v’Sara Freida, Z”L.

Hineni, the cantor’s personal prayer recited on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur just prior to the Musaf Amidah, was always extra special for Alan, who cherished his opportunities to lead High Holiday services. He embraced the responsibility that came with this position and was a stickler for proper Nusach (ie. traditional music to be matched with specific text.)

Special thanks to my music partner, Jonathan Rimberg, for his sensitivity in producing this song with me, to Alan’s wife Tammy and to my dear friend Johnny Shlagbaum whose advice and guidance proved invaluable.

Please listen, enjoy and share.

This one’s for you, little brother!