Dearest Friends,
Sometimes a niggun comes down all at once. Sometimes it comes down in pieces- months or even years apart.
The second part of this niggun came down at the Amster shabbos table in West Rodgers Park, Chicago, in November 2018.
It wasn’t until a year and a half later, during ma’ariv at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah, right before singing with the beautiful chevre there, that the first part came down.
That night we sang this niggun for the first time. We sang it over and over until it was embedded in our hearts.
This niggun is dedicated to the beautiful Amster family, as well as Talmidei Yeshivat Lev Hatorah, whose Lev Tahor is a constant inspiration of hitchadshut (renewal).
B’ahava Rabba and with blessings for all of us to tune into the renewal of spirit that we so long for.