Naftali Kempeh releases a brand new single called ‘Im Tairu‘ from his upcoming album. The song features a duet from rising star Ari Hill.
“אִם תָּעִירוּ וְאִם תְ עוֹרְ רוּ אֶת הָּאַהֲבָּה עַד שֶתֶחְפָּץ”
These moving words received a musical cover with a compassionate and deep melody from Naftali Kempeh. After a spontaneous meeting in the studio with Ari Hill, a wonderful collaboration was created that combines Ari‘s moving voice into the song.The musical production was entrusted to the great duo Eli Klein & Yitzi Berry. They have been Kempeh‘s creative partners, and they are currently working together on the next album to be released IY”H next year. My hope is the you find inspiration in the end result, and my fervent wish is that we all find the inner spark and reawaken the love.