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Shmuly Schneider | Special Hearts – Camp SCHI

This song was written from the perspective of the special needs children. Although they are often limited in their ability to communicate, they want to share feelings of gratitude for all the kindness and care they receive and would love to share that message to the world through song! They appreciate immensely that they are given a fair chance at life and are able to shine brightly!

Uncovering the magic at Camp SCHI.

SCHI has always been about uncovering hidden potential. Now, we’re uncovering something else:


The magic of Camp SCHI, that is. What SCHI does for students year-round, Camp SCHI builds on and reinforces. Camp SCHI represents the culmination of all the best parts of SCHI, and packs it into an incredible summer experience. Help keep this life-changing program running.

Donate now at

For students, Camp SCHI offers:

Two 30+ acre campuses that they can call home.

All the amenities that children with disabilities require to continue to build their skills.

The opportunity to have an independence that previously, would have been a long-shot.

And for the parents, Camp SCHI offers a much-needed reprieve from the daily challenges of raising a child with disabilities.

This is your opportunity to contribute a spark of magic into these children’s lives, helping them continue their trajectory of growth.

Visit to take part in the transformational experience that is Camp SCHI.

Composed by Shmuly Schneider

Lyrics by Shmuly Schneider

Music by Yisroel Ament

Recorded at AmentStudios-Far Rockaway NY

Graphics by TechniqCreative

Bridge lyrics by Riva Borbely

Follow Shmuly on Instagram:…



We live our lives in untold challenge

Our every move is compromised

Yet through it all you applaud our talents

Our every gift is recognized


And when we think of all our blessings

Our caring family and friends

Although it’s hard we’ll try expressing

It’s on your kindness we depend


Our days are filled with confrontation

Between our bodies and our minds

You too experience frustration

Deep in our hearts, we intertwine



We thank you from our special hearts

That’s our message we impart

It’s so much more than just mere sounds

Our gratitude transcends all bounds


You bring much joy into our lives

Our broken spirits you revive

It’s so much more than just mere sounds

Our gratitude transcends all bounds



When Geulah puts these years behind us

Free of all these limitations

We will dance and sing with all our souls

We’ll express our full appreciation

But until then we’re just praying that you know